Support and Movement Mcqs Online Test 1

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Mdcat Biology XII Support and Movement Mcqs test 1


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1. Muscle fibre is covered by:

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2. Movement of substances through hollow organs is regulated by:

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3. Which among the following components help(s)    to control the myosin-actin interaction involved in muscle contraction?

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4. M line links:

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5. During the mechanism of muscle contraction, power stroke occurs. Which event(s)    is/are not related to power stroke?

I) ATP attaches with myosin

II) Sarcomere contracts

III)    ADP and Pi dissociate from actin

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6. Which component blocks myosin binding sites on actin molecules, preventing cross-bridge formation and preventing contraction in a muscle without nervous input?

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7. When muscle fibres are stimulated by nervous system:

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8. Calcium ions bind to:

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9. During muscle contraction, nerve impulse is carried through the sarcolemma to:

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10. Identify the protein with following features.

I) Beaded     II)    Form core of thin filament            III)    Intertwined

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11. In relaxed muscle fibre, thick and thin myofilaments overlap at the:

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12. In sarcomere, H-zone is bisected by:

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13. The sliding filament theory of contraction states that during contraction:

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14. Muscle is divided into discrete bundles of muscle cells known as:

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15. The protein(s)    component(s)    of thin filament is/are:

I.Tropomyosin    II. Actin     III. Troponin

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16. During muscle contractions, which structures are formed and broken several times?

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17. The midline of I band is known as:

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18. From Z-lines:

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19. Two, long parallel bones are:

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20. The central wood of trees is called as:

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21. The type of joint found in ankle is:

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22. Which of the following components are regarded as shock absorbers?

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23. Synovial joints are toughened by:

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24. Find the odd one out regarding the pelvic bone.

I) Pubis        II) Ileum     III) Ischium

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25. Ribs:

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26. What is/are the function(s)  _____of joints?

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27. The coccyx is:

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28. An adult human endoskeleton consists of bones.

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29. Endoskeleton is composed of:

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30. Exoskeleton Is:

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31. The process of Shedding of exoskeleton and make up of new and Larger one is:

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32. The most complex types of exoskeleton is found in:

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33. Molluscs have an exoskeleton made up of:

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34. Hydrostatic skeleton is found in:

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35. Simplest skeleton found in soft bodies invertebrates is:

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36. Growth movement in plants is mainly controlled by phytohormone called:

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37. Movement caused due to stimuli of touch is:

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38. Curvature movement of plant in response to touch stimulus is:

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39. Movement occurs due to change in turgidity and size of cells as a result of loss or gain of water called:

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40. Movements which occur due to external stimuli are known as:

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41. When movement occurs due to faster growth on lower surface of the wing organ, it is known as:

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42. When movement occurs due to faster growth on the upper side of the organ is known

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43. The growth in the apex of young stem takes place in zigzag manner due to an alternate change in growth rate on Opposite site of the apex, this movement is called:

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44. Elongated cells with tapered ends, tough and strong but flexible, are all characteristics of:

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45. Tissues, which formed by the activity of vascular cambium and cork cambium are called.

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46. Simple living tissue, elongate irregularly thickened walls is:

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47. Uniformly thick, heavily lignified secondary walls which give strength to the plant body are all characteristics of:

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48. The outer most layer of thin walled cells of young stem is:

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49. Protoplasm possesses special characteristics of due to change in environment

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50. Cytoplasmic streaming is called:

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