Human Reproduction Class 12 mcq online test 1

Mdcat Biology XII Reproduction online test 1
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Mdcat Biology XII Reproduction MCQs test 1


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After meiosis, the __________ differentiates into the mature sperm.

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2. The primary oocyte multiplies to produce:

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3. In human male reproductive system, external genitalia consists of:

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4. Which process marks the start of pregnancy?

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5. Placenta is connection between:

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6. The endometrium prepares for implantation of an embryo:

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7. The reputed follicle is converted to a yellowish glandular mass:

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8. FSH stimulates the Graafian follicle to secrete estrogen which in turn regulates:

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9. The high levels of LH are observed:

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10. In the process of menstruation the bleeding occurs for:

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11. The events that occur in ovaries are collectively known as:

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12. HIV destroys:

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13. Identify the function(s) of male gonads.

I) Sperm maturation and storage

II) Push sperms to urethra

III) Testosterone secretion and sperm formation

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14. A pear-shaped structure of human female reproductive system is:

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15. Sertoli cells are found in

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16. Find the correct option about the function(s) of follicle stimulating hormone in females.

I) Promotes growth of immature follicles of ovaries

II) Promotes milk production

III) Stimulates ovaries to produce progesterone

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17. Which one is a viral disease?

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18. If ruptured graffian follicle is degenerated without forming corpus luteum, which of the following is expected?

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19. An adult male daily produce sperm?

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20. It stimulates uterine contraction during child birth and milk let down during suckling:

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21. In human only one ovum is usually discharged from the ovary at one time.    This

phenomenon is called:

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22. Site for implantation and development of human embryo is:

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23. The discharge of blood and cell debris from vagina is known as:

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24. Corpus luteum is a modified form of:

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25. In the 28-day human ovarian cycle, the ovulation takes place typically on:

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26. Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease, caused by:

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27. Which of the following pair of STD's is caused by obligate intracellular parasite?

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28. Highly contagious disease that affects mucous membranes of urinogenital tract is:

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29. Thickening of endometrium occurs during all phases of reproductive cycle except:

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30. Which one of the following is serves as temporary endocrine gland?

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31. Which of the following is not a function of estrogen?

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32. Which hormone causes final preparation of wall of uterus for placenta formation?

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33. In human female reproductive cycle, which sequence of events is correct?

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34. Uterus opens into the vagina through:

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35. Which one of the following causes growth and development of germinal epithelium of the testes?

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36. Each spermatogonium is__________and has_________number of chromosomes

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37. The difference between primary and secondary spermatocyte lies in:

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38. Conversion of which of the following occurs via meiosis II:

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39. Primary oocytes and primary spermatocytes are produced from oogonia and spermatogonia respectively by:

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40. In the lumen of seminiferous tubules,_________provides liquid medium, nourishment and protection to sperms.

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41. Arrange the following into correct sequence regarding spermatogenesis:

  1. Spermatogonium
  2. Spermatids
  3.   Primary spermatocytes
  4. Secondary spermatocytes
  5. Sperms

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42. Total number of sperms produced by one primary spermatocyte is:

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43. In males, the process of spermatogenesis starts:

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44. Which of the following gland plays main role in semen formation?

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45. Which of the following is not a male sex accessory gland?

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46. Epididymis is the proximal part of:

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It is used to transfer sperms into female reproductive tract:

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48. In humans, the testes are situated_______ the abdominal cavity within a pouch called_______

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49. All of the following structures are related to the male reproductive system except:

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50. In human males, gonads are the part of:

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