Mdcat Mock Test Free 2023 (additional-1)


Mdcat Mock Test : Free Practice test 2023

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Whole Mdcat Mega Additional-1 ( Not For Iphone users)

1 / 200

1. Paragraph:

The city of New York, often referred to as the "Big Apple," is a vibrant and diverse metropolis located on the eastern coast of the United States. It is renowned for its iconic skyline, dominated by landmarks such as the Empire State Building and One World Trade Center. The city is a melting pot of cultures, with neighborhoods like Chinatown, Little Italy, and Harlem showcasing its rich diversity. Central Park, a sprawling oasis in the heart of Manhattan, offers a retreat from the urban hustle and bustle. Additionally, New York City is a hub for arts, fashion, and finance, with Broadway theaters, world-famous museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the bustling Wall Street financial district. The city's energy is palpable, making it a magnet for people from all around the globe.

QNO.1    What is the nickname of the city of New York?

2 / 200

2. What is the significance of neighborhoods like Chinatown, Little Italy, and Harlem in New York? (Read Above Paragraph to answer this question)

3 / 200

3. Synonym of  "Request"

4 / 200


Synonym of "HURDLE"

5 / 200

5. Antonym of "Eradicate"

6 / 200


Antonym of "BASE"

7 / 200


Choose the correct option.

8 / 200


Find the correctly spelt word

9 / 200


Let me do this.

10 / 200


Who completed it?

11 / 200


 My sister and _______are pleased to accept your invitation

12 / 200


  He shows great ability ________ Mathematics.

13 / 200


The strike has been called ________

14 / 200


 The reward was shared ________ the members of the cricket team.

15 / 200


The counter clerk was very busy and ______ not pay ________ to Sameer’s request.

16 / 200


I gave him all the money .................. I had.

17 / 200


................... book do you like?

18 / 200


Please close your office .................... 9.30 pm positively

19 / 200

19. Mitochondria are involved in all of the following except:

20 / 200

20. Phase of Calvin cycle that is dependent on rubisco:

21 / 200

21. In Which of the following , NADPH is Converted into NADP+,

22 / 200

22. Pyruvic acid is the end product of ________.

23 / 200

23. What is the meaning of an enzyme?

24 / 200

24. Enzyme have enormous power of :

25 / 200

25. The reactants of enzymatic reactions are called:

26 / 200

26. Air enters in lungs through

27 / 200

27. The gas that is released during process of respiration

28 / 200

28. The humans left lungs contain

29 / 200

29. which of the following transport more CO2

30 / 200

30. How gram negative bacteria differ from gram positive bacteria?

31 / 200

31. _______ are used to transfer genetic material during conjugation.

32 / 200

32. Cyst formation is generally observed in:

33 / 200

33. general formula of monosaccharides is

34 / 200

34. dextrin contain monosaccharide Number:

35 / 200

35. In amino acid R group replace by H group the amino acid is called:

36 / 200

36. Viruses may have?

37 / 200

37. The cause of death in AIDS is ?

38 / 200

38. Polio virus is transmitted through which route?

39 / 200

39. Bicuspid valve and tricuspid valve remain open during which phase of cardiac cycle?

40 / 200

40. The heart chamber that produces the highest pressure in the blood is:

41 / 200

41. The two ventricles of human heart are separated by:

42 / 200

42. Which is not a mammal?

43 / 200

43. In arthropods, body cavity is in the form of:

44 / 200

44. Free living example of Platyhelminthes is?

45 / 200

45. Scientific name of sundew is

46 / 200

46. The PH of stomach is

47 / 200

47. Number of milk teeth in human :

48 / 200

48. Who is the father of immunology?

49 / 200

49. Who discovered the nucleus?

50 / 200

50. Vaccination is first used for?

51 / 200

51. Following is a self-replicating organelle

52 / 200

52. Elongated cells with tapered ends, tough and strong but flexible, are all characteristics of:

53 / 200

53. The growth in the apex of young stem takes place in zigzag manner due to an alternate change in growth rate on Opposite site of the apex, this movement is called:

54 / 200

54. Movements which occur due to external stimuli are known as:

55 / 200

55. Synovial joints are toughened by:

56 / 200

56. Ribs:

57 / 200

57. The coccyx is:

58 / 200

58. A pear-shaped structure of human female reproductive system is:

59 / 200

59. Identify the function(s) of male gonads.

I) Sperm maturation and storage

II) Push sperms to urethra

III) Testosterone secretion and sperm formation

60 / 200

60. Find the correct option about the function(s) of follicle stimulating hormone in females.

I) Promotes growth of immature follicles of ovaries

II) Promotes milk production

III) Stimulates ovaries to produce progesterone

61 / 200

61. Select odd one :

62 / 200

62. Body cavity in arthropods is called?

63 / 200

63. A cell or group of cells specialized to detect changes in the environment and trigger impulses are known as:

64 / 200

64. ____________________ send information from the C.N.S to the Effectors.

65 / 200


Which part of the brain is the set of conscious activities?

66 / 200


Nerve cells can send messages more faster if they have

67 / 200

67. It is believed that life may have begun deep in the water especially in hot spring called:

68 / 200

68. Cells which differentiate into various tissues and form different organs of the body are:

69 / 200

69. Observe the below pedigree of a family showing inheritance of haemophilia. What is the genotype of individual II-3 and II-5?

(hint: female is hemophilic)

70 / 200

70. Mendel perform his famous experiment of heredity on:

71 / 200

71. Which of the following tissues is responsible for providing structural support to plants?

72 / 200

72. The skeletal system in humans is primarily composed of which type of tissue?

73 / 200

73. The process by which a single cell divides to produce two genetically identical daughter cells is known as:

74 / 200

74. The observable traits or characteristics of an organism are known as its:

75 / 200

75. Which genetic disorder is caused by a mutation in the hemoglobin gene, resulting in misshapen red blood cells?

76 / 200

76. Preganancy maintained by ____ harmone:

77 / 200

77. How many egg and sperm are produced by primary oocyte and primary  Spermatocyte respectively

78 / 200

78. Movement of eye occur in which second

79 / 200

79. How many sperms produced by a healthy man per /day ?

80 / 200

80. Bat is:

81 / 200

81. The immunity may be protective or curative in nature

82 / 200

82. Antibiotics which are effective against range of infections are known as

83 / 200

83. The word virus refers to

84 / 200

84. At which step of Kreb’s cycle FADH2 is produced?

85 / 200

85. A cross between a black cat and a tan cat produces a tabby pattern (black and tan fur together). What percent of kittens would have tan fur if a tabby cat Is crossed with a black cat?

86 / 200

86. An Rh negative woman is married to an Rh positive man whose father was also Rh negative. What are the chances that their child will be affected?

87 / 200

87. Isopropyl chloride undergoes hydrolysis by:

88 / 200

88. SN2 reaction of alkyl halides leads to:

89 / 200

89. A primary alkyl halide would prefer to undergo______.

90 / 200

90. Iodide ion is a:

91 / 200

91. Most stable carbocation is:

92 / 200

92. Stereoisomers differ in:

93 / 200

93. Percentage of methane CH4 in natural gas is:

94 / 200

94. Which of the following compound do not show cis-trans isomerism?

95 / 200

95. Functional group isomer of carboxylic acid is:

96 / 200

96. Which alkali metal is most metallic in character?

97 / 200

97. Reducing nature of s-block elements

98 / 200

98. Soda ash is recrystallized from hot aqueous solution to give:

99 / 200

99. Which one is incorrect about p-block elements?

100 / 200

100. In VIIA group from F to At melting points:

101 / 200

101. H2SO4 is used as dehydrating agent because it is:

102 / 200

102. As the number of branches in a chain increases the boiling point of alkane

103 / 200

103. Which is m-directing group?

104 / 200

104. The compound prepared by a substitution reaction of benzene is:

105 / 200

105. Benzene, when treated with n-propyl chloride in presence of AlCl3, produces:

106 / 200

106. Propene on addition of HCl forms:

107 / 200

107. 256g of HI are introduced into a vessel at 25℃. At equilibrium 1g of H2 & 127g of
I2 are present. How many grams of HI are present at equilibrium:

108 / 200

108. The rate of chemical reaction:

109 / 200

109. Which of the following factor does not affect the rate of reaction?

110 / 200

110. Minimum energy necessary to permit a reaction to takeplace is called as:

111 / 200

111. Which type of solid crystal conduct heat and electricity?

112 / 200

112. Dry ice is an example of:

113 / 200

113. Viscosity of Glycerin in centipoise at 20°C is:

114 / 200

114. An ideals gas obeying kinetic theory of gases can be liquefied if:

115 / 200

115. A certain gas takes two times as long as to effuse out as CO it is molecule mass will be:

116 / 200

116. If pressure becomes double at the same absolute temperature on 10L He, the volume of He

117 / 200

117. Graph b/w P and V at constant temperature is:

118 / 200

118. Deep Sea divers take oxygen with.

119 / 200

119. Rutherford’s experiment on scattering of particles showed for the first time that the
atom has.

120 / 200

120. The maximum number of electrons in atom with l=3, and n=4 is:

121 / 200

121. Orbitals is:
I) Circular path around the nucleus in which electrons revolves
II) Space around the nucleus where probability of finding electron is maximum
III) Amplitude of electron wave

122 / 200

122. The process requiring the absorption of energy is.

123 / 200

123. Amongst Be, B, Mg and Al the second ionization potential is maximum for:

124 / 200

124. The electronegativity of the following element increases in the order

125 / 200

125. The element with positive electron gain enthalpy:

126 / 200

126. Volume of 11 g of CO2 at STP is:

127 / 200

127. At standard temperature and pressure (STP), 0.5 moles of a gas occupy a volume

128 / 200

128. Which of the following is wrong?

129 / 200

129. Two containers have equal weights of NO2 and N2O. The one containing more
number of moles is:

130 / 200

130. Choose the wrong statement:

131 / 200

131. Combination of carbonyl & halo group give rise to functional group:

132 / 200

132. Which one is an unsaturated compound?

133 / 200

133. Which reaction involves the conversion of an alkene into a carbonyl compound using ozone followed by reductive workup?

134 / 200

134. Which of the following haloalkanes is most reactive?

135 / 200

135. The hybridization of carbon atoms in the benzene ring is:

136 / 200

136. What will be the products when reactants are alcohol & thionyl chloride in the presence of pyridine?

137 / 200

137. Transition metal compounds are coloured due to:

138 / 200

138. IUPAC name for complex compound [Cr(NH3)4(CN)2]ClO2 is:

139 / 200

139. Laser can only be produced If an atom is in its?

140 / 200

140. Life Time of meta stable state is?

141 / 200

141. The energy of the 4th orbit in hydrogen atom is

142 / 200

142. Which of the following phenomenon can be studied with gamma rays?

143 / 200

143. 0.1kg mass will be equivalent to the energy?

144 / 200

144. Various types of cancers are traeted by?

145 / 200

145. The half life of a radioactive elements depends upon?

146 / 200

146. The photons are produced in electron and positron annihilation, each having energy of?

147 / 200

147. The number of diodes in a bridge rectifier is?

148 / 200

148. In forward biasing, a p-n junction offers?

149 / 200

149. When the back emf is zero , it draws?

150 / 200

150. A metal rod of length 25cm is moved at a speed of 0.5ms-¹ in a direction perpendicular to a 0.25T magnetic field.Find the emf produced in the rod?

151 / 200

151. magnitude of induced emf determined from?

152 / 200

152. Magnetic flux Linked with a coil can be changed by using an?

153 / 200

153. Frequency of A.C used in Pakistan?

154 / 200

154. The SI unit of magnetic flux is?

155 / 200

155. A 5 meter wire carrying a current of 2A is at right angles to the uniform magnetic field of 0.5wbm-² .The force on the wire is?

156 / 200

156. A wire of resistance 5 ohm is stretched to twice of its original length what is the new resistance of the wire ?

157 / 200

157. A 100watt Bulb is operated by 200V , the current flowing through the bulb is?

158 / 200

158. The SI unit of the Temperature co efficient of resistivity of a material is?

159 / 200

159. Farad is defined as

160 / 200

160. Ohms law relates?

161 / 200

161. If electric and gravitational forces on an electron placed in a uniform electric field balance each other, then the electric intensity will be?

162 / 200

162. A charge of 10-¹⁰ C between two parallel plates 1cm apart experiences a force of 10-⁵N .The potential difference between the plates is?

163 / 200

163. Electric flux will be maximum at?

164 / 200

164. Electric potential energy per unit charge is known as?

165 / 200

165. An electric field can deflect?

166 / 200

166. Electric charges of 100-micro columb and 16.9-micro coulomb are 13cm apart from each other. The force between them is?

167 / 200

167. In which process Heat is completely converted into work?

168 / 200

168. Types of waves used in sonar?

169 / 200

169. Longitudinal wave do not exhibit?

170 / 200

170. When the amplitude of a wave becomes double , its energy becomes?

171 / 200

171. Compressions and elongations are formed in?

172 / 200

172. The distance between two consecutive node and antinode is?

173 / 200

173. The wavelength of the fundamental mode of vibration of a closed end pipe is?

174 / 200

174. The dimension of spring constant is?

175 / 200

175. The expression for time period of mass spring system is?

176 / 200

176. The length of second pendulum is?

177 / 200

177. If the speed of the moving body is decreased to half, its K.E will be?

178 / 200

178. Colorless gas with the smell of rotten eggs is;

179 / 200

179. If the mass of the Bob of a pendoleum is doubled, its time period?

180 / 200

180. watt.m² defines?

181 / 200

181. An electric motor can lift a weight of 2000N through a height of 10m in 2 sec what is power of the motor?

182 / 200

182. The work done by a force of 10N applied perpendicular to direction of motion upto 20m is?

183 / 200

183. If a car moves with a uniform speed of 2ms-¹ in a circle of radius 0.4m , its angular speed is

184 / 200

184. Light year is the unit of?

185 / 200

185. A body of mass 3kg move with constant speed of 72km/h rounds a curve radius of 40m what is central force which hold it ?

186 / 200

186. Angular frequency is measured in

187 / 200

187. one degree is equal to____

188 / 200

188. Dimension of the impulse is?

189 / 200

189. The acceleration of a projectile along x-axis is

190 / 200

190. A bomber drops its bomb when it is vertically above the target. It misses the target due to?

191 / 200

191. A cricket ball is hit so that it travels straight up in air and it acquires 3 seconds to reach the maximum height.Its initial velocity is?

192 / 200

192. Newton first law is also called?

193 / 200

193. Distance covered by a free-falling body in 2 seconds will be?

194 / 200

194. The correct I.U.P.A.С. name of diethyl acetylene is:

195 / 200

195. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

196 / 200

196. Amit said - "This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother". How is Amit related to the girl?

197 / 200

197. Choose the figure which is different from the rest

198 / 200

198. Identify the figure that completes the pattern.

199 / 200

199. In these series, you will be looking at both the letter pattern and the number pattern. Fill the blank in the middle of the series or end of the series.


200 / 200

200. In these series, you will be looking at both the letter pattern and the number pattern. Fill the blank in the middle of the series or end of the series.

FAG, GAF, HAI, IAH, ____

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For Iphone Users:

Created on By

Whole Mdcat Mega Additional-1 ( For Iphone users only)

1 / 200

1. Paragraph:

The city of New York, often referred to as the "Big Apple," is a vibrant and diverse metropolis located on the eastern coast of the United States. It is renowned for its iconic skyline, dominated by landmarks such as the Empire State Building and One World Trade Center. The city is a melting pot of cultures, with neighborhoods like Chinatown, Little Italy, and Harlem showcasing its rich diversity. Central Park, a sprawling oasis in the heart of Manhattan, offers a retreat from the urban hustle and bustle. Additionally, New York City is a hub for arts, fashion, and finance, with Broadway theaters, world-famous museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the bustling Wall Street financial district. The city's energy is palpable, making it a magnet for people from all around the globe.

QNO.1    What is the nickname of the city of New York?

2 / 200

2. What is the significance of neighborhoods like Chinatown, Little Italy, and Harlem in New York? (Read Above Paragraph to answer this question)

3 / 200

3. Synonym of  "Request"

4 / 200


Synonym of "HURDLE"

5 / 200

5. Antonym of "Eradicate"

6 / 200


Antonym of "BASE"

7 / 200


Choose the correct option.

8 / 200


Find the correctly spelt word

9 / 200


Let me do this.

10 / 200


Who completed it?

11 / 200


 My sister and _______are pleased to accept your invitation

12 / 200


  He shows great ability ________ Mathematics.

13 / 200


The strike has been called ________

14 / 200


 The reward was shared ________ the members of the cricket team.

15 / 200


The counter clerk was very busy and ______ not pay ________ to Sameer’s request.

16 / 200


I gave him all the money .................. I had.

17 / 200


................... book do you like?

18 / 200


Please close your office .................... 9.30 pm positively

19 / 200

19. Mitochondria are involved in all of the following except:

20 / 200

20. Phase of Calvin cycle that is dependent on rubisco:

21 / 200

21. In Which of the following , NADPH is Converted into NADP+,

22 / 200

22. Pyruvic acid is the end product of ________.

23 / 200

23. What is the meaning of an enzyme?

24 / 200

24. Enzyme have enormous power of :

25 / 200

25. The reactants of enzymatic reactions are called:

26 / 200

26. Air enters in lungs through

27 / 200

27. The gas that is released during process of respiration

28 / 200

28. The humans left lungs contain

29 / 200

29. which of the following transport more CO2

30 / 200

30. How gram negative bacteria differ from gram positive bacteria?

31 / 200

31. _______ are used to transfer genetic material during conjugation.

32 / 200

32. Cyst formation is generally observed in:

33 / 200

33. general formula of monosaccharides is

34 / 200

34. dextrin contain monosaccharide Number:

35 / 200

35. In amino acid R group replace by H group the amino acid is called:

36 / 200

36. Viruses may have?

37 / 200

37. The cause of death in AIDS is ?

38 / 200

38. Polio virus is transmitted through which route?

39 / 200

39. Bicuspid valve and tricuspid valve remain open during which phase of cardiac cycle?

40 / 200

40. The heart chamber that produces the highest pressure in the blood is:

41 / 200

41. The two ventricles of human heart are separated by:

42 / 200

42. Which is not a mammal?

43 / 200

43. In arthropods, body cavity is in the form of:

44 / 200

44. Free living example of Platyhelminthes is?

45 / 200

45. Scientific name of sundew is

46 / 200

46. The PH of stomach is

47 / 200

47. Number of milk teeth in human :

48 / 200

48. Who is the father of immunology?

49 / 200

49. Who discovered the nucleus?

50 / 200

50. Vaccination is first used for?

51 / 200

51. Following is a self-replicating organelle

52 / 200

52. Elongated cells with tapered ends, tough and strong but flexible, are all characteristics of:

53 / 200

53. The growth in the apex of young stem takes place in zigzag manner due to an alternate change in growth rate on Opposite site of the apex, this movement is called:

54 / 200

54. Movements which occur due to external stimuli are known as:

55 / 200

55. Synovial joints are toughened by:

56 / 200

56. Ribs:

57 / 200

57. The coccyx is:

58 / 200

58. A pear-shaped structure of human female reproductive system is:

59 / 200

59. Identify the function(s) of male gonads.

I) Sperm maturation and storage

II) Push sperms to urethra

III) Testosterone secretion and sperm formation

60 / 200

60. Find the correct option about the function(s) of follicle stimulating hormone in females.

I) Promotes growth of immature follicles of ovaries

II) Promotes milk production

III) Stimulates ovaries to produce progesterone

61 / 200

61. Select odd one :

62 / 200

62. Body cavity in arthropods is called?

63 / 200

63. A cell or group of cells specialized to detect changes in the environment and trigger impulses are known as:

64 / 200

64. ____________________ send information from the C.N.S to the Effectors.

65 / 200


Which part of the brain is the set of conscious activities?

66 / 200


Nerve cells can send messages more faster if they have

67 / 200

67. It is believed that life may have begun deep in the water especially in hot spring called:

68 / 200

68. Cells which differentiate into various tissues and form different organs of the body are:

69 / 200

69. Observe the below pedigree of a family showing inheritance of haemophilia. What is the genotype of individual II-3 and II-5?

(hint: female is hemophilic)

70 / 200

70. Mendel perform his famous experiment of heredity on:

71 / 200

71. Which of the following tissues is responsible for providing structural support to plants?

72 / 200

72. The skeletal system in humans is primarily composed of which type of tissue?

73 / 200

73. The process by which a single cell divides to produce two genetically identical daughter cells is known as:

74 / 200

74. The observable traits or characteristics of an organism are known as its:

75 / 200

75. Which genetic disorder is caused by a mutation in the hemoglobin gene, resulting in misshapen red blood cells?

76 / 200

76. Preganancy maintained by ____ harmone:

77 / 200

77. How many egg and sperm are produced by primary oocyte and primary  Spermatocyte respectively

78 / 200

78. Movement of eye occur in which second

79 / 200

79. How many sperms produced by a healthy man per /day ?

80 / 200

80. Bat is:

81 / 200

81. The immunity may be protective or curative in nature

82 / 200

82. Antibiotics which are effective against range of infections are known as

83 / 200

83. The word virus refers to

84 / 200

84. At which step of Kreb’s cycle FADH2 is produced?

85 / 200

85. A cross between a black cat and a tan cat produces a tabby pattern (black and tan fur together). What percent of kittens would have tan fur if a tabby cat Is crossed with a black cat?

86 / 200

86. An Rh negative woman is married to an Rh positive man whose father was also Rh negative. What are the chances that their child will be affected?

87 / 200

87. Isopropyl chloride undergoes hydrolysis by:

88 / 200

88. SN2 reaction of alkyl halides leads to:

89 / 200

89. A primary alkyl halide would prefer to undergo______.

90 / 200

90. Iodide ion is a:

91 / 200

91. Most stable carbocation is:

92 / 200

92. Stereoisomers differ in:

93 / 200

93. Percentage of methane CH4 in natural gas is:

94 / 200

94. Which of the following compound do not show cis-trans isomerism?

95 / 200

95. Functional group isomer of carboxylic acid is:

96 / 200

96. Which alkali metal is most metallic in character?

97 / 200

97. Reducing nature of s-block elements

98 / 200

98. Soda ash is recrystallized from hot aqueous solution to give:

99 / 200

99. Which one is incorrect about p-block elements?

100 / 200

100. In VIIA group from F to At melting points:

101 / 200

101. H2SO4 is used as dehydrating agent because it is:

102 / 200

102. As the number of branches in a chain increases the boiling point of alkane

103 / 200

103. Which is m-directing group?

104 / 200

104. The compound prepared by a substitution reaction of benzene is:

105 / 200

105. Benzene, when treated with n-propyl chloride in presence of AlCl3, produces:

106 / 200

106. Propene on addition of HCl forms:

107 / 200

107. 256g of HI are introduced into a vessel at 25℃. At equilibrium 1g of H2 & 127g of
I2 are present. How many grams of HI are present at equilibrium:

108 / 200

108. The rate of chemical reaction:

109 / 200

109. Which of the following factor does not affect the rate of reaction?

110 / 200

110. Minimum energy necessary to permit a reaction to takeplace is called as:

111 / 200

111. Which type of solid crystal conduct heat and electricity?

112 / 200

112. Dry ice is an example of:

113 / 200

113. Viscosity of Glycerin in centipoise at 20°C is:

114 / 200

114. An ideals gas obeying kinetic theory of gases can be liquefied if:

115 / 200

115. A certain gas takes two times as long as to effuse out as CO it is molecule mass will be:

116 / 200

116. If pressure becomes double at the same absolute temperature on 10L He, the volume of He

117 / 200

117. Graph b/w P and V at constant temperature is:

118 / 200

118. Deep Sea divers take oxygen with.

119 / 200

119. Rutherford’s experiment on scattering of particles showed for the first time that the
atom has.

120 / 200

120. The maximum number of electrons in atom with l=3, and n=4 is:

121 / 200

121. Orbitals is:
I) Circular path around the nucleus in which electrons revolves
II) Space around the nucleus where probability of finding electron is maximum
III) Amplitude of electron wave

122 / 200

122. The process requiring the absorption of energy is.

123 / 200

123. Amongst Be, B, Mg and Al the second ionization potential is maximum for:

124 / 200

124. The electronegativity of the following element increases in the order

125 / 200

125. The element with positive electron gain enthalpy:

126 / 200

126. Volume of 11 g of CO2 at STP is:

127 / 200

127. At standard temperature and pressure (STP), 0.5 moles of a gas occupy a volume

128 / 200

128. Which of the following is wrong?

129 / 200

129. Two containers have equal weights of NO2 and N2O. The one containing more
number of moles is:

130 / 200

130. Choose the wrong statement:

131 / 200

131. Combination of carbonyl & halo group give rise to functional group:

132 / 200

132. Which one is an unsaturated compound?

133 / 200

133. Which reaction involves the conversion of an alkene into a carbonyl compound using ozone followed by reductive workup?

134 / 200

134. Which of the following haloalkanes is most reactive?

135 / 200

135. The hybridization of carbon atoms in the benzene ring is:

136 / 200

136. What will be the products when reactants are alcohol & thionyl chloride in the presence of pyridine?

137 / 200

137. Transition metal compounds are coloured due to:

138 / 200

138. IUPAC name for complex compound [Cr(NH3)4(CN)2]ClO2 is:

139 / 200

139. Laser can only be produced If an atom is in its?

140 / 200

140. Life Time of meta stable state is?

141 / 200

141. The energy of the 4th orbit in hydrogen atom is

142 / 200

142. Which of the following phenomenon can be studied with gamma rays?

143 / 200

143. 0.1kg mass will be equivalent to the energy?

144 / 200

144. Various types of cancers are traeted by?

145 / 200

145. The half life of a radioactive elements depends upon?

146 / 200

146. The photons are produced in electron and positron annihilation, each having energy of?

147 / 200

147. The number of diodes in a bridge rectifier is?

148 / 200

148. In forward biasing, a p-n junction offers?

149 / 200

149. When the back emf is zero , it draws?

150 / 200

150. A metal rod of length 25cm is moved at a speed of 0.5ms-¹ in a direction perpendicular to a 0.25T magnetic field.Find the emf produced in the rod?

151 / 200

151. magnitude of induced emf determined from?

152 / 200

152. Magnetic flux Linked with a coil can be changed by using an?

153 / 200

153. Frequency of A.C used in Pakistan?

154 / 200

154. The SI unit of magnetic flux is?

155 / 200

155. A 5 meter wire carrying a current of 2A is at right angles to the uniform magnetic field of 0.5wbm-² .The force on the wire is?

156 / 200

156. A wire of resistance 5 ohm is stretched to twice of its original length what is the new resistance of the wire ?

157 / 200

157. A 100watt Bulb is operated by 200V , the current flowing through the bulb is?

158 / 200

158. The SI unit of the Temperature co efficient of resistivity of a material is?

159 / 200

159. Farad is defined as

160 / 200

160. Ohms law relates?

161 / 200

161. If electric and gravitational forces on an electron placed in a uniform electric field balance each other, then the electric intensity will be?

162 / 200

162. A charge of 10-¹⁰ C between two parallel plates 1cm apart experiences a force of 10-⁵N .The potential difference between the plates is?

163 / 200

163. Electric flux will be maximum at?

164 / 200

164. Electric potential energy per unit charge is known as?

165 / 200

165. An electric field can deflect?

166 / 200

166. Electric charges of 100-micro columb and 16.9-micro coulomb are 13cm apart from each other. The force between them is?

167 / 200

167. In which process Heat is completely converted into work?

168 / 200

168. Types of waves used in sonar?

169 / 200

169. Longitudinal wave do not exhibit?

170 / 200

170. When the amplitude of a wave becomes double , its energy becomes?

171 / 200

171. Compressions and elongations are formed in?

172 / 200

172. The distance between two consecutive node and antinode is?

173 / 200

173. The wavelength of the fundamental mode of vibration of a closed end pipe is?

174 / 200

174. The dimension of spring constant is?

175 / 200

175. The expression for time period of mass spring system is?

176 / 200

176. The length of second pendulum is?

177 / 200

177. If the speed of the moving body is decreased to half, its K.E will be?

178 / 200

178. Colorless gas with the smell of rotten eggs is;

179 / 200

179. If the mass of the Bob of a pendoleum is doubled, its time period?

180 / 200

180. watt.m² defines?

181 / 200

181. An electric motor can lift a weight of 2000N through a height of 10m in 2 sec what is power of the motor?

182 / 200

182. The work done by a force of 10N applied perpendicular to direction of motion upto 20m is?

183 / 200

183. If a car moves with a uniform speed of 2ms-¹ in a circle of radius 0.4m , its angular speed is

184 / 200

184. Light year is the unit of?

185 / 200

185. A body of mass 3kg move with constant speed of 72km/h rounds a curve radius of 40m what is central force which hold it ?

186 / 200

186. Angular frequency is measured in

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187. one degree is equal to____

188 / 200

188. Dimension of the impulse is?

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189. The acceleration of a projectile along x-axis is

190 / 200

190. A bomber drops its bomb when it is vertically above the target. It misses the target due to?

191 / 200

191. A cricket ball is hit so that it travels straight up in air and it acquires 3 seconds to reach the maximum height.Its initial velocity is?

192 / 200

192. Newton first law is also called?

193 / 200

193. Distance covered by a free-falling body in 2 seconds will be?

194 / 200

194. The correct I.U.P.A.С. name of diethyl acetylene is:

195 / 200

195. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

196 / 200

196. Amit said - "This girl is the wife of the grandson of my mother". How is Amit related to the girl?

197 / 200

197. Choose the figure which is different from the rest

198 / 200

198. Identify the figure that completes the pattern.

199 / 200

199. In these series, you will be looking at both the letter pattern and the number pattern. Fill the blank in the middle of the series or end of the series.


200 / 200

200. In these series, you will be looking at both the letter pattern and the number pattern. Fill the blank in the middle of the series or end of the series.

FAG, GAF, HAI, IAH, ____

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