Are you looking for New Edition Sindh Textbook Board Jamshoro Books of all subjects of Class 11 and 12 in PDF? Then Medico Engineer is the best place to download Stbb new book free of cost. We have uploaded subject wise books for Pre Medical, Pre Engineering and Computer Science students in English, Urdu and Sindhi Medium will be uploaded soon. As you know Books has been updated of whole syllabus in 2023-24 years to provide modern world knowledge across Sindh. Students, currently enrolled in Karachi Board, Larkana Board, Mirpurkhas board, Sukkur Board, Hyderabad Board etc., can easily download the books below as per their need.
1. New Chemistry Class 11 and 12:
Chemistry book for class 1st year and 2nd year published by STB is available here in PDF, you can freely download it below by clicking download button. The chapters included in it are listed below:
Chapters List XI:
- Stoichiometry
- Atomic Structure
- Theories of Covalent bonding and shapes of Molecules
- States of matter I: Gas
- States of Matter II: Liquids
- States of Matter III: Solids
- Chemical Equilibrium
- Acids, Bases and Salts
- Chemical Kinetics
- Solution and Colloids
- Thermochemistry
- Electrochemistry
Chapters List XII:
Chapter 13: Chemistry of Representative Elements
Chapter 14: Chemistry of Outer Transition (d- block) Elements
Chapter 15: Organic Compounds
Chapter 16: Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
Chapter 17: Hydrocarbons
Chapter 18: Alkyl Halides and Amines
Chapter 19: Alcohols, phenols and Ethers
Chapter 20: Carbonyl Compounds 1: Aldehydes and Ketones
Chapter 21: Carbonyl Compounds: Carboxylic Acids and Functional derivatives
Chapter 22: Biochemistry
Chapter 23: Industrial Chemistry
Chapter 24: Environmental Chemistry
Chapter 25: Spectroscopy
2.New Physics 11 and 12 in Pdf
Recently New Physics Book For Class 1st year and 2nd year is published by STBB Jamshoro to be taught from 2023-24 across Sindh. The Chapters included in this new edition are listed below.
Chapters List XI:
- Physics and Measurements
- Kinematics
- Dynamics
- Rotational & Circular Motion
- Work, Energy and Power
- Fluid Statics
- Fluid Dynamics
- Electric Fields
- Capacitors
- C. Circuits
- Oscillations
- Acoustics
- Physical Optics
- Communication
Chapters List XII:
We Will Update soon.
3.New Biology 11 and 12
Biology new book class 1st and 2nd year based on Pakistan National curriculum, published by STBB is available here in if you are missing it’s PDF in your downloads then get it now in one click. The chapters included in it are listed below:
Chapters List XI:
- Biological Molecules
- Enzymes
- Cell structure and Function
- Bioenergetics
- Acellular Life
- prokaryotes
- Protoctists and Fungi
- Diversity among Plants
- Diversity among Animals
- Forms and functions in Plant
- Holozoic Nutrition
- Circulation
- Immunity
- Gaseous Exchange
Chapters List XII:
- Chapter 15: Homeostasis
- Chapter 16: Support and Movement
- Chapter 17: Nervous Coordination
- Chapter 18: Chemical Coordination
- Chapter 19: Behavior
- Chapter 20: Reproduction
- Chapter 21: Development and Aging
- Chapter 22: Chromosome and DNA
- Chapter 23: Inheritance
- Chapter 24: Evolution
- Chapter 25: Man and His Environment
- Chapter 26: Biotechnology
- Chapter 27: Biology and Human Welfare
4. New Mathematics (Maths) 11 and 12
Chapters List XI:
- Complex Numbers
- Matrices and Determinants
- Vectors
- Sequences and Series
- Miscellaneous Series Board Jams
- Permutation, Combination and Probability
- Mathematical Induction and Binomial Theorem
- Functions and Graphs
- Linear Programming (LP)
- Trigonometric Identities of Sum and Difference of Angles
- Application of Trigonometry
- Graphs of Trigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Solution of Trigonometric Equations
Chapters List XII:
- Introduction to Symbolic Package: MAPLE
- Functions and Limits
- Differentiation
- Higher Order Derivatives and Applications
- Differentiation of Vector Functions Integration
- Plane Analytic Geometry- Straight Line
- Circle
- Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola Differential Equations
- Partial Differentiation Introduction to Numerical Methods
5. English new book 11 and 12 PDF :
6. New Urdu 11 and 12 PDF
New book of Urdu named ‘Gulzar e Urdu’ for Class xi year and xii year for Sindh boards is now available in Pdf you can download. This book is divided into two sections first is prose which contains 17 Chapters and second is Poems which contains 23 Poems.
7.Islamic Studies (Islamiyat) 11 and 12
The islamiat/islamiyat for 1st or 11 year Sindh board has been updated to new version.
8. New Computer Science 11 and 12
The computer science for xi and xii year Sindh board has been updated to top notch units and modern world knowledge. Surely this will upscale your computer skills and knowledge to use for right purposes in right way. The PDF of this book will be uploaded very soon.
Thanks for reading till there. If you are having issues with downloading books then don’t hesitate to leave comment. Also attempt our free Online tests for mdcat preparation. If you have any question feel free to contact us . You can Download 9th class book