XI Chemistry States Of Matter: Gases Online Test Mdcat-2024

chemistry xi states of matter gases online test mdcat

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  • Book: Sindh Textbook
  • Total No. Of MCQS: 50
  • Time Allowed: 50 Minutes
  • Price : Free
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    Created on By medicoengineer.com

    XI Chemistry States Of Matter:Gases Online Test Mdcat-2024

    Please Note: If You think the question is wrong or mistyped, the Question Key is wrong or out of syllabus, Feel free to comment or Contact with our team, our team will verify the question. For Contact details Please Visit the Contact Us page or email us at Contact@medicoengineer.com .


    If you have any suggestion about our free test series you are also welcome to contact with us , we will appreciate you.

    Best Of luck MDCAT Aspirants.

    1 / 50

    1. The graph that shows the relationship between volume and temperature of a gas at constant pressure is called:

    2 / 50

    2. Absolute zero temperature regarded as that temperature at which

    3 / 50

    3. Which of the following is the lowest possible temperature?

    4 / 50

    4. Which of the following is known as standard temperature and pressure (STP)

    5 / 50

    5. The value of R (Gas constant), when pressure is expressed in N/m²(Newton per square metre)

    6 / 50

    6. The volume of gas would theoretically be zero at:

    7 / 50

    7. In S.I. system, the unit of pressure is:

    8 / 50

    8. The vapour pressure of water at 100°C is:

    9 / 50

    9. Which of the following is not associated with the general gas equation?

    10 / 50

    10. A gas at zero Kelvin:

    11 / 50

    11. Gases bubbles through liquids because

    12 / 50

    12. Joule Thomson effect is defined as:

    13 / 50

    13. Which statement is true regarding states of matter

    14 / 50

    14. Very small values of Van der Waal’s constant in his equation for a particular gas show that:

    15 / 50

    15. The ideal gas equation is also called the equation of states because:

    16 / 50

    16. For Ideal gases Isotherm refers to the:

    17 / 50

    17. The main reason for deviaation of gases from ideal behavior is few assumptions KMT these are ?
    I)There is no force of attraction between the molecules of a gas
    II)Volume of the molecules of a gas is negligibly small in comparison to the volume of the gas
    III)Particles of a gas are always in constant random motion

    18 / 50

    18. An ideal gas cannot be liquefied because:

    19 / 50

    19. Correct relation for molecular mass of a gas is

    20 / 50

    20. If value of PV/RT>1 for a gas.Hence:

    21 / 50

    21. According to Boyles Law PV=K, where K is constant of proportionality & its value depends upon:

    22 / 50

    22. Which gas always show positive deviation from ideal behavior?

    23 / 50

    23. Which of the following relation is incorrect?

    24 / 50

    24. Which of the following does not express the properties of gases?

    25 / 50

    25. 7g of a gas at a temperature of 273⁰C &pressure of 0.5atm has volume 22.4 liter. The molecular formula of gas is :

    26 / 50

    26. Graph between which of the following variables is not a straight line

    27 / 50

    27. Helium gas is compressed to half of the volume at 303K. It should be heated to which temperature for its volume to increase to double of its original volume ?

    28 / 50

    28. If value of a and b are more in vander waals equation than :

    29 / 50

    29. Value of R ( Universal gas constant ) depends upon

    30 / 50

    30. Sudden expansion of gases causes cooling, this is called :

    31 / 50

    31. Select the correct statement :

    32 / 50

    32. The order of rate of diffusion of gases NH₃,SO₂,Cl₂ and CO₂ is:

    33 / 50

    33. Which one of the following is not postulated in kinetic molecular theory of gases :

    34 / 50

    34. Which of the following is not the property of plasma :
    I)It is influenced by E.F and M.F . II)Particles of plasma has neither definite shape nor volume
    III)Plasma as a whole is neutral
    IV)It does not shows and characteristic glow in discharge tube

    35 / 50

    35. Select the correct choice :

    36 / 50

    36. “SCUBA” used by sea divers contains :

    37 / 50

    37. What is the partial pressure of oxygen in lungs?

    38 / 50

    38. What is the partial pressure of oxygen in the air?

    39 / 50

    39. Which of the following are the applications of Dalton's Law of partial pressure
    I)Pressure of gases collected over water
    II)Maintenance of oxygen pressure at high altitudes
    III)Maintenance of oxygen pressure for deep sea divers

    40 / 50

    40. Density of a gas having molar mass ’M’ at pressure ‘P’ & Temperature ‘T' is given by : d=PM/RT. What will be the density of a gas having molar mass ‘2M’ at Pressure 2P and temperature 2T

    41 / 50

    41. Product of Pressure and Volume is always constant is the statement of:

    42 / 50

    42. Van der Waal’s real gas, acts as an ideal gas, at which condition?

    43 / 50

    43. Gases behaves like ideal at

    44 / 50

    44. All statements are correct except:

    45 / 50

    45. Which gas is likely to be the most ideal?

    46 / 50

    46. The value of compressibility factor for an ideal gas is:

    47 / 50

    47. The Vander Waal’s equation for real gas is?

    48 / 50

    48. Gases deviate from ideal behavior at high pressure. Which of the following is correct for nonideality?

    49 / 50

    49. 32.8 psi is equal to how many atm?

    50 / 50

    50. 1 Pascal is equal to

    Your score is


    Test Details:

      • Subject: Chemistry
      • Class: 1st year or 11
      • Chapter name: States Of Matter: Gases
      • Test: MDCAT 2024
      • Book: Sindh Textbook
      • Total No. Of MCQS: 50
      • Time Allowed: 50 Minutes
      • Price : Free
      Created on By medicoengineer.com

      XI Chemistry States Of Matter:Gases Online Test Mdcat-2024

      Please Note: If You think the question is wrong or mistyped, the Question Key is wrong or out of syllabus, Feel free to comment or Contact with our team, our team will verify the question. For Contact details Please Visit the Contact Us page or email us at Contact@medicoengineer.com .

      If you have any suggestion about our free test series you are also welcome to contact with us , we will appreciate you.

      Best Of luck MDCAT Aspirants.

      1 / 50

      1. The graph that shows the relationship between volume and temperature of a gas at constant pressure is called:

      2 / 50

      2. Absolute zero temperature regarded as that temperature at which

      3 / 50

      3. Which of the following is the lowest possible temperature?

      4 / 50

      4. Which of the following is known as standard temperature and pressure (STP)

      5 / 50

      5. The value of R (Gas constant), when pressure is expressed in N/m²(Newton per square metre)

      6 / 50

      6. The volume of gas would theoretically be zero at:

      7 / 50

      7. In S.I. system, the unit of pressure is:

      8 / 50

      8. The vapour pressure of water at 100°C is:

      9 / 50

      9. Which of the following is not associated with the general gas equation?

      10 / 50

      10. A gas at zero Kelvin:

      11 / 50

      11. Gases bubbles through liquids because

      12 / 50

      12. Joule Thomson effect is defined as:

      13 / 50

      13. Which statement is true regarding states of matter

      14 / 50

      14. Very small values of Van der Waal’s constant in his equation for a particular gas show that:

      15 / 50

      15. The ideal gas equation is also called the equation of states because:

      16 / 50

      16. For Ideal gases Isotherm refers to the:

      17 / 50

      17. The main reason for deviaation of gases from ideal behavior is few assumptions KMT these are ?
      I)There is no force of attraction between the molecules of a gas
      II)Volume of the molecules of a gas is negligibly small in comparison to the volume of the gas
      III)Particles of a gas are always in constant random motion

      18 / 50

      18. An ideal gas cannot be liquefied because:

      19 / 50

      19. Correct relation for molecular mass of a gas is

      20 / 50

      20. If value of PV/RT>1 for a gas.Hence:

      21 / 50

      21. According to Boyles Law PV=K, where K is constant of proportionality & its value depends upon:

      22 / 50

      22. Which gas always show positive deviation from ideal behavior?

      23 / 50

      23. Which of the following relation is incorrect?

      24 / 50

      24. Which of the following does not express the properties of gases?

      25 / 50

      25. 7g of a gas at a temperature of 273⁰C &pressure of 0.5atm has volume 22.4 liter. The molecular formula of gas is :

      26 / 50

      26. Graph between which of the following variables is not a straight line

      27 / 50

      27. Helium gas is compressed to half of the volume at 303K. It should be heated to which temperature for its volume to increase to double of its original volume ?

      28 / 50

      28. If value of a and b are more in vander waals equation than :

      29 / 50

      29. Value of R ( Universal gas constant ) depends upon

      30 / 50

      30. Sudden expansion of gases causes cooling, this is called :

      31 / 50

      31. Select the correct statement :

      32 / 50

      32. The order of rate of diffusion of gases NH₃,SO₂,Cl₂ and CO₂ is:

      33 / 50

      33. Which one of the following is not postulated in kinetic molecular theory of gases :

      34 / 50

      34. Which of the following is not the property of plasma :
      I)It is influenced by E.F and M.F . II)Particles of plasma has neither definite shape nor volume
      III)Plasma as a whole is neutral
      IV)It does not shows and characteristic glow in discharge tube

      35 / 50

      35. Select the correct choice :

      36 / 50

      36. “SCUBA” used by sea divers contains :

      37 / 50

      37. What is the partial pressure of oxygen in lungs?

      38 / 50

      38. What is the partial pressure of oxygen in the air?

      39 / 50

      39. Which of the following are the applications of Dalton's Law of partial pressure
      I)Pressure of gases collected over water
      II)Maintenance of oxygen pressure at high altitudes
      III)Maintenance of oxygen pressure for deep sea divers

      40 / 50

      40. Density of a gas having molar mass ’M’ at pressure ‘P’ & Temperature ‘T' is given by : d=PM/RT. What will be the density of a gas having molar mass ‘2M’ at Pressure 2P and temperature 2T

      41 / 50

      41. Product of Pressure and Volume is always constant is the statement of:

      42 / 50

      42. Van der Waal’s real gas, acts as an ideal gas, at which condition?

      43 / 50

      43. Gases behaves like ideal at

      44 / 50

      44. All statements are correct except:

      45 / 50

      45. Which gas is likely to be the most ideal?

      46 / 50

      46. The value of compressibility factor for an ideal gas is:

      47 / 50

      47. The Vander Waal’s equation for real gas is?

      48 / 50

      48. Gases deviate from ideal behavior at high pressure. Which of the following is correct for nonideality?

      49 / 50

      49. 32.8 psi is equal to how many atm?

      50 / 50

      50. 1 Pascal is equal to

      Your score is


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