XI Chemistry Atomic Structure Online Test Mdcat-2024

chemistry xi atomic structure online test mdcat

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  • Book: Sindh Textbook
  • Total No. Of MCQS: 50
  • Time Allowed: 50 Minutes
  • Price : Free
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    Created on By medicoengineer.com

    XI Chemistry Atomic Structure Online Test Mdcat-2024

    Please Note: If You think the question is wrong or mistyped, the Question Key is wrong or out of syllabus, Feel free to comment or Contact with our team, our team will verify the question. For Contact details Please Visit the Contact Us page or email us at Contact@medicoengineer.com .


    If you have any suggestion about our free test series you are also welcome to contact with us , we will appreciate you.

    Best Of luck MDCAT Aspirants.

    1 / 50

    1. The unit in which wave number is measured

    2 / 50

    2. According to Bohr’s Theory which one of the following values of angular momentum is not permitted :

    3 / 50

    3. Transition of electron from M-Shell to K-Shell results in emission of :

    4 / 50

    4. The energy of a photon is given by the relation

    5 / 50

    5. The energy of an electron in Bohr’s atom _______ as we move away from the nucleus

    6 / 50

    6. What is a,b, and c in the figure respectively

    7 / 50

    7. In the picture given above, select the option in which electronic configuration is incorrectly represented.

    8 / 50

    8. The radius of first orbit of hydrogen is

    9 / 50

    9. ________ states that In an orbital of an atom, no two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers at least one quantum number must be different

    10 / 50

    10. Maximum number of electrons in sub energy level is given by formula

    11 / 50

    11. The possible number of orbitals in level with n=3 is

    12 / 50

    12. The quantum number which gives an idea about the distance of the electron from the nucleus and the energy of the electron is called:

    13 / 50

    13. Which have better penetrating power

    14 / 50

    14. Spin Quantum no may be

    15 / 50

    15. The orbitals having n+l=5 are

    16 / 50

    16. According to Planck’s quantum theory
    I)Energy travel in a discontinuous manner
    II)Energy occurs in the form of wave packets
    III) The energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength
    IV)Energy emitted or absorbed is quantized

    17 / 50

    17. In the configuration of nitrogen which rule is violated 7N=1s2, 2s2,2px2​2py1

    i) Hund’s rule

    ii) Aufbau’s Principle

    iii) n+l rule

    iv) Pauli Rule

    18 / 50

    18. The shape of orbital when l=2

    19 / 50

    19. Which of the following would, on gaining an electron have a half filled set of p orbitals

    20 / 50

    20. if the number of values of m is seven, the azimuthal quantum no should be

    21 / 50

    21. Two electrons in helium differ in the value quantum no denoted by

    22 / 50

    22. Which of the following produce positive rays of minimum charge to mass ratio

    23 / 50

    23. All possible values of l and m for n=2

    24 / 50

    24. Mosely during his studies on wavelength of x-rays noted that wavelength of x-rays is inversely proportional to :

    25 / 50

    25. Orbitals having same energy are called...

    26 / 50

    26. Which of the following is used to measure the age of fossils and artifacts

    27 / 50

    27. 2p,3p,4p differ from each other by

    28 / 50

    28. Which of the following is rule is concerned with filling of degenerate orbitals

    29 / 50

    29. When 4d orbital is filled, the next electron enter into

    30 / 50

    30. Rutherford’s model of an atom failed because:

    31 / 50

    31. Shape of orbital is described by:

    32 / 50

    32. In continuos spectrum which color suffers maximum deflection:

    33 / 50

    33. When the electron jumps from the 1st orbit to the 2nd orbit radius increases:

    34 / 50

    34. Energy of 1st orbit of Hydrogen is equal to:

    35 / 50

    35. A type of spectrum in which all wavelength of electromagnetic radiation are present without any gap or interruptions is:

    36 / 50

    36. Which of the following is not the postulate of Bohr Atomic Model

    37 / 50

    37. When electron is in second orbit its Angular momentum can be stated as:

    38 / 50

    38. When electron returns back to lower orbit from higher orbit it;

    39 / 50

    39. ”As long as electron remains in an appropriate orbit, it neither loses, nor gains energy” is the statement of:

    40 / 50

    40. Select the correct statement for neutrons

    41 / 50

    41. Which of the following statement is correct
    I)Balmer studied spectrum of hydrogen atom in visible light
    II)Lyman studied spectrum of Hydrogen atom in U.V light
    III)Paschen series of hydrogen atom belongs to UV light
    IV)Bracket series of hydrogen spectrum belongs to Infrared light

    42 / 50

    42. Balmer Series in hydrogen emission spectrum is formed when:

    43 / 50

    43. Electronic Configuration affects the:

    44 / 50

    44. Charge of an electron was calculated by which experiment

    45 / 50


    46 / 50


    47 / 50


    48 / 50


    49 / 50


    50 / 50


    Your score is


    Test Details:

      • Subject: Chemistry
      • Class: 1st year or 11
      • Chapter name: Atomic Structure
      • Test: MDCAT 2024
      • Book: Sindh Textbook
      • Total No. Of MCQS: 50
      • Time Allowed: 50 Minutes
      • Price : Free
      Created on By medicoengineer.com

      XI Chemistry Atomic Structure Online Test Mdcat-2024

      Please Note: If You think the question is wrong or mistyped, the Question Key is wrong or out of syllabus, Feel free to comment or Contact with our team, our team will verify the question. For Contact details Please Visit the Contact Us page or email us at Contact@medicoengineer.com .

      If you have any suggestion about our free test series you are also welcome to contact with us , we will appreciate you.

      Best Of luck MDCAT Aspirants.

      1 / 50

      1. The unit in which wave number is measured

      2 / 50

      2. According to Bohr’s Theory which one of the following values of angular momentum is not permitted :

      3 / 50

      3. Transition of electron from M-Shell to K-Shell results in emission of :

      4 / 50

      4. The energy of a photon is given by the relation

      5 / 50

      5. The energy of an electron in Bohr’s atom _______ as we move away from the nucleus

      6 / 50

      6. What is a,b, and c in the figure respectively

      7 / 50

      7. In the picture given above, select the option in which electronic configuration is incorrectly represented.

      8 / 50

      8. The radius of first orbit of hydrogen is

      9 / 50

      9. ________ states that In an orbital of an atom, no two electrons can have the same set of four quantum numbers at least one quantum number must be different

      10 / 50

      10. Maximum number of electrons in sub energy level is given by formula

      11 / 50

      11. The possible number of orbitals in level with n=3 is

      12 / 50

      12. The quantum number which gives an idea about the distance of the electron from the nucleus and the energy of the electron is called:

      13 / 50

      13. Which have better penetrating power

      14 / 50

      14. Spin Quantum no may be

      15 / 50

      15. The orbitals having n+l=5 are

      16 / 50

      16. According to Planck’s quantum theory
      I)Energy travel in a discontinuous manner
      II)Energy occurs in the form of wave packets
      III) The energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength
      IV)Energy emitted or absorbed is quantized

      17 / 50

      17. In the configuration of nitrogen which rule is violated 7N=1s2, 2s2,2px2​2py1

      i) Hund’s rule

      ii) Aufbau’s Principle

      iii) n+l rule

      iv) Pauli Rule

      18 / 50

      18. The shape of orbital when l=2

      19 / 50

      19. Which of the following would, on gaining an electron have a half filled set of p orbitals

      20 / 50

      20. if the number of values of m is seven, the azimuthal quantum no should be

      21 / 50

      21. Two electrons in helium differ in the value quantum no denoted by

      22 / 50

      22. Which of the following produce positive rays of minimum charge to mass ratio

      23 / 50

      23. All possible values of l and m for n=2

      24 / 50

      24. Mosely during his studies on wavelength of x-rays noted that wavelength of x-rays is inversely proportional to :

      25 / 50

      25. Orbitals having same energy are called...

      26 / 50

      26. Which of the following is used to measure the age of fossils and artifacts

      27 / 50

      27. 2p,3p,4p differ from each other by

      28 / 50

      28. Which of the following is rule is concerned with filling of degenerate orbitals

      29 / 50

      29. When 4d orbital is filled, the next electron enter into

      30 / 50

      30. Rutherford’s model of an atom failed because:

      31 / 50

      31. Shape of orbital is described by:

      32 / 50

      32. In continuos spectrum which color suffers maximum deflection:

      33 / 50

      33. When the electron jumps from the 1st orbit to the 2nd orbit radius increases:

      34 / 50

      34. Energy of 1st orbit of Hydrogen is equal to:

      35 / 50

      35. A type of spectrum in which all wavelength of electromagnetic radiation are present without any gap or interruptions is:

      36 / 50

      36. Which of the following is not the postulate of Bohr Atomic Model

      37 / 50

      37. When electron is in second orbit its Angular momentum can be stated as:

      38 / 50

      38. When electron returns back to lower orbit from higher orbit it;

      39 / 50

      39. ”As long as electron remains in an appropriate orbit, it neither loses, nor gains energy” is the statement of:

      40 / 50

      40. Select the correct statement for neutrons

      41 / 50

      41. Which of the following statement is correct
      I)Balmer studied spectrum of hydrogen atom in visible light
      II)Lyman studied spectrum of Hydrogen atom in U.V light
      III)Paschen series of hydrogen atom belongs to UV light
      IV)Bracket series of hydrogen spectrum belongs to Infrared light

      42 / 50

      42. Balmer Series in hydrogen emission spectrum is formed when:

      43 / 50

      43. Electronic Configuration affects the:

      44 / 50

      44. Charge of an electron was calculated by which experiment

      45 / 50


      46 / 50


      47 / 50


      48 / 50


      49 / 50


      50 / 50


      Your score is


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