XI Biology Gaseous Exchange Online Test Mdcat-2024

XI Biology Gaseous Exchange Online Test Mdcat

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  • Book: Sindh Textbook
  • Total No. Of MCQS:  50 MCQS 
  • Time Allowed: 50 Minutes
  • Price : Free
  • 0%

    Created on By medicoengineer.com

    XI Biology Gaseous Exchange Online Test Mdcat-2024

    Please Note: If You think the question is wrong or mistyped, the Question Key is wrong or out of syllabus, Feel free to comment or Contact with our team, our team will verify the question. For Contact details Please Visit the Contact Us page or email us at Contact@medicoengineer.com .


    If you have any suggestion about our free test series you are also welcome to contact with us , we will appreciate you.

    Best Of luck MDCAT Aspirants.

    1 / 50

    1. The movement of air from the environment into lungs and back into the environment is called

    2 / 50

    2. The lungs are consist of of branching air ways that end into ...Sac like structure made up of ....called .....

    3 / 50

    3. The alveloi must be ......for efficent gaseous exchange

    4 / 50

    4. The respiratory surface should be:

    5 / 50

    5. The permeability of the respiratory surface should be to gaseous:

    6 / 50

    6. Being thin, the respiratory surface ______ the diffusion distance:

    7 / 50

    7. In higher animals like humans, the respiratory surface is facilitated by:

    8 / 50

    8. Lungs are the ______ organ of the respiratory system:

    9 / 50

    9. Which are other respiratory accessory organs?

    10 / 50

    10. The human respiratory system is differentiated into ______ passages:

    11 / 50

    11. The upper respiratory system consists of:

    12 / 50

    12. During respiration, air enters into the nose through ______ openings called ______:

    13 / 50

    13. ______ is the only external part of our respiratory system:

    14 / 50

    14. The flap-like structure in the larynx called ______ produces sound when air is ______ it:

    15 / 50

    15. Which one is correct according to the length of the below structures:

    16 / 50

    16. The trachea has about ______ "C" shaped cartilage rings and they prevent it from ______:

    17 / 50

    17. The right bronchus is ______ than the left bronchus:

    18 / 50

    18. The thoracic and abdominal regions are separated by a ______ sheet called the ______:

    19 / 50

    19. The pleural membrane in the thoracic region that wraps around each lung is called ______ pleura and the other that separates it from the thoracic wall is called ______ pleura.

    20 / 50

    20. The ______ lung is smaller in size because of more space occupied by the ______ organ at that site:

    21 / 50

    21. How many lobes are found in the right and left lung?

    22 / 50

    22. The common lobes in the right and left lung are:

    23 / 50

    23. The horizontal fissure is found in which lung?

    24 / 50

    24. The respiratory system performs the functions:

    25 / 50

    25. The rate at which a person breathes in every minute is called:

    26 / 50

    26. The normal breathing rate is about ______ times per minute and it may ______ due to different factors:

    27 / 50

    27. When inspiration occurs, there is a ______ in the gaseous ______ of the alveolar sac:

    28 / 50

    28. ______ is called an active process:

    29 / 50

    29. The expansion of lungs ______ pressure and ______  of the lungs:

    30 / 50

    30. In an adult, total human lung capacity is ______ of air:

    31 / 50

    31. Measurement of ______ is essential to observe pulmonary function:

    32 / 50

    32. Lung volume is measured by a special instrument called:

    33 / 50

    33. . ______ volume is the maximum air inspired and expired during a deep breath:

    34 / 50

    34. Tidal volume is about:

    35 / 50

    35. IRV, ERV, RV:

    36 / 50

    36. ______ volume remains in and cannot allow the thorax to collapse:

    37 / 50

    37. IRV + TV + ERV is equal to:

    38 / 50

    38. RV + ERV is equal to:

    39 / 50

    39. Exchange of O2 and CO2 in the alveolar membrane takes place by:

    40 / 50

    40. 97% of oxygen is dispersed by ______ and the remaining 3% O2 gets dissolved and transported through blood:

    41 / 50

    41. CO2 transported in the form of bicarbonates is ______ and as carboxyhemoglobin is ______:

    42 / 50

    42. Each chain of hemoglobin bears _____________an iron-containing heme group and each HB molecule is able to transport ______ atoms of oxygen:

    43 / 50

    43. Myoglobin has a ______ affinity to bind with O2 compared to hemoglobin and in it, one heme binds to how many O atoms:

    44 / 50

    44. The complete air passage is:

    45 / 50

    45. The barrier between air and blood is just ______ in thickness:

    46 / 50

    46. The rate of breathing depends upon the concentration of ______ and ______ present in the blood:

    47 / 50

    47. Which of the following is a function of the trachea?

    48 / 50

    48. Breathing is controlled by the ______ and the trachea is ______ to the esophagus:

    49 / 50

    49. The alveolar surface is broken down in:

    50 / 50

    50. Diagram ________showa a relaxation of the Internal intercostal muscles and diagram ____________shows a Relaxation of the Diaphragm respectively.

    Your score is


    Test Details:

      • Subject: Biology
      • Class: 1st year or 11
      • Chapter Name: Gaseous Exchange
      • Test: MDCAT 2024
      • Book: Sindh Textbook
      • Total No. Of MCQS:  50 MCQS 
      • Time Allowed: 50 Minutes
      • Price : Free

      Created on By medicoengineer.com

      XI Biology Gaseous Exchange Online Test Mdcat-2024

      Please Note: If You think the question is wrong or mistyped, the Question Key is wrong or out of syllabus, Feel free to comment or Contact with our team, our team will verify the question. For Contact details Please Visit the Contact Us page or email us at Contact@medicoengineer.com .

      If you have any suggestion about our free test series you are also welcome to contact with us , we will appreciate you.

      Best Of luck MDCAT Aspirants.

      1 / 50

      1. The movement of air from the environment into lungs and back into the environment is called

      2 / 50

      2. The lungs are consist of of branching air ways that end into ...Sac like structure made up of ....called .....

      3 / 50

      3. The alveloi must be ......for efficent gaseous exchange

      4 / 50

      4. The respiratory surface should be:

      5 / 50

      5. The permeability of the respiratory surface should be to gaseous:

      6 / 50

      6. Being thin, the respiratory surface ______ the diffusion distance:

      7 / 50

      7. In higher animals like humans, the respiratory surface is facilitated by:

      8 / 50

      8. Lungs are the ______ organ of the respiratory system:

      9 / 50

      9. Which are other respiratory accessory organs?

      10 / 50

      10. The human respiratory system is differentiated into ______ passages:

      11 / 50

      11. The upper respiratory system consists of:

      12 / 50

      12. During respiration, air enters into the nose through ______ openings called ______:

      13 / 50

      13. ______ is the only external part of our respiratory system:

      14 / 50

      14. The flap-like structure in the larynx called ______ produces sound when air is ______ it:

      15 / 50

      15. Which one is correct according to the length of the below structures:

      16 / 50

      16. The trachea has about ______ "C" shaped cartilage rings and they prevent it from ______:

      17 / 50

      17. The right bronchus is ______ than the left bronchus:

      18 / 50

      18. The thoracic and abdominal regions are separated by a ______ sheet called the ______:

      19 / 50

      19. The pleural membrane in the thoracic region that wraps around each lung is called ______ pleura and the other that separates it from the thoracic wall is called ______ pleura.

      20 / 50

      20. The ______ lung is smaller in size because of more space occupied by the ______ organ at that site:

      21 / 50

      21. How many lobes are found in the right and left lung?

      22 / 50

      22. The common lobes in the right and left lung are:

      23 / 50

      23. The horizontal fissure is found in which lung?

      24 / 50

      24. The respiratory system performs the functions:

      25 / 50

      25. The rate at which a person breathes in every minute is called:

      26 / 50

      26. The normal breathing rate is about ______ times per minute and it may ______ due to different factors:

      27 / 50

      27. When inspiration occurs, there is a ______ in the gaseous ______ of the alveolar sac:

      28 / 50

      28. ______ is called an active process:

      29 / 50

      29. The expansion of lungs ______ pressure and ______  of the lungs:

      30 / 50

      30. In an adult, total human lung capacity is ______ of air:

      31 / 50

      31. Measurement of ______ is essential to observe pulmonary function:

      32 / 50

      32. Lung volume is measured by a special instrument called:

      33 / 50

      33. . ______ volume is the maximum air inspired and expired during a deep breath:

      34 / 50

      34. Tidal volume is about:

      35 / 50

      35. IRV, ERV, RV:

      36 / 50

      36. ______ volume remains in and cannot allow the thorax to collapse:

      37 / 50

      37. IRV + TV + ERV is equal to:

      38 / 50

      38. RV + ERV is equal to:

      39 / 50

      39. Exchange of O2 and CO2 in the alveolar membrane takes place by:

      40 / 50

      40. 97% of oxygen is dispersed by ______ and the remaining 3% O2 gets dissolved and transported through blood:

      41 / 50

      41. CO2 transported in the form of bicarbonates is ______ and as carboxyhemoglobin is ______:

      42 / 50

      42. Each chain of hemoglobin bears _____________an iron-containing heme group and each HB molecule is able to transport ______ atoms of oxygen:

      43 / 50

      43. Myoglobin has a ______ affinity to bind with O2 compared to hemoglobin and in it, one heme binds to how many O atoms:

      44 / 50

      44. The complete air passage is:

      45 / 50

      45. The barrier between air and blood is just ______ in thickness:

      46 / 50

      46. The rate of breathing depends upon the concentration of ______ and ______ present in the blood:

      47 / 50

      47. Which of the following is a function of the trachea?

      48 / 50

      48. Breathing is controlled by the ______ and the trachea is ______ to the esophagus:

      49 / 50

      49. The alveolar surface is broken down in:

      50 / 50

      50. Diagram ________showa a relaxation of the Internal intercostal muscles and diagram ____________shows a Relaxation of the Diaphragm respectively.

      Your score is


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