XI Biology Forms and Functions in Plants online Test Mdcat-2024


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  • Book: Sindh Textbook
  • Total No. Of MCQS:  50 MCQS 
  • Time Allowed: 50 Minutes
  • Price : Free
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    Created on By medicoengineer.com

    XI Biology Forms and Functions in Plants Online Test Mdcat-2024

    Please Note: If You think the question is wrong or mistyped, the Question Key is wrong or out of syllabus, Feel free to comment or Contact with our team, our team will verify the question. For Contact details Please Visit the Contact Us page or email us at Contact@medicoengineer.com .


    If you have any suggestion about our free test series you are also welcome to contact with us , we will appreciate you.

    Best Of luck MDCAT Aspirants.

    1 / 51

    1. Plants which can trap water vapors from air are:

    2 / 51

    2. Carnivorous plants grow in:

    3 / 51

    3. First noticed in Gibberella fujikuroi fungus which infected rice seedlings and produced a disease called:

    4 / 51

    4. Meristems left by apical meristems were:

    5 / 51

    5. Phototropism curvature effect is due to light effect on:

    6 / 51

    6. Curvature movement of plant in response to touch stimulus is:

    7 / 51

    7. The best known plant hormones, Auxin, Cytokinin, Gibberellin, ABA and Ethylene all are effective at:

    8 / 51

    8. Which phytohormone causes delay in senescence?

    9 / 51

    9. Example of Auxin being in inhibitory effect is:

    10 / 51

    10. Which phytohormone helps in Parthenocarpy which is seedless fruit?

    11 / 51

    11. Essential inorganic elements are:

    12 / 51

    12. Each annual ring consists of outer zone___ and inner zone___ and inner zone having___ while outer zone having:

    13 / 51

    13. In the day time Pr is converted into___ because sunlight is predominantly___:

    14 / 51

    14. Forces like Cohesion, adhesion and___ are mainly responsible for upward movement of water:

    15 / 51

    15. Which of the following is not a macronutrient required by plants?

    16 / 51

    16. A plant cell placed in pure water will:

    17 / 51

    17. Pure water is assigned highest:

    18 / 51

    18. During translocation of sugars in plants from source to sink:

    19 / 51

    19. Which is the most accepted mechanism for the translocation of sugars from source to sink?

    20 / 51

    20. Upward movement of water against downward pull of gravity is known as:

    21 / 51

    21. The whole body of lower bryophytes contains, as their support and shape:

    22 / 51

    22. The pressure potential is always taken as:

    23 / 51

    23. Solution A has Ψs=-10bars and Ψp=3bars. Solution B has Ψs=−5bars and Ψp=0atm. The two are separated by semipermeable membrane. Flow of water will be:

    24 / 51

    24. Presence of macronutrient that help plants to withstand cold temperatures is:

    25 / 51

    25. In turgid cell the water potential is:

    26 / 51

    26. In beneficial leaves the upper region consists of upper epidermis which contains:

    27 / 51

    27. Leaves turn pale yellow due to loss of chlorophyll is a deficiency of:

    28 / 51

    28. Cytoplasmic connection through pores known as Plasmodesmata are found to be useful in:

    29 / 51

    29. The casparian strip, a waxy belt that extends through walls, is found in:

    30 / 51

    30. During Phloem loading the solute potential of the phloem______ and water from neighbouring xylem vessels_____:

    31 / 51

    31. The activity of lateral meristems cause _______ and it's called_____:

    32 / 51

    32. The function of companion cells is to control the activity of:

    33 / 51

    33. Scientific name of Water fly trap is:

    34 / 51

    34. Iron in cytochrome involved in ETC of respiration and Photosynthesis can exist in form of:

    35 / 51

    35. The rate of water flow in vessels to tracheids is:

    36 / 51

    36. Plants living in dry places such as deserts, steep and high altitudes having lack of water are:


    37 / 51

    37. Maintaining balance between water content and solute content is:

    38 / 51

    38. Leaf turn dull or bluish green is due to deficiency of:

    39 / 51

    39. When plant cell is put in solution which causes net output of water from cell to the solution causing plasmolysis, this solution is:

    40 / 51

    40. Promotion of flowering by a cold treatment given to seeds is known as:

    41 / 51

    41. Heat shock proteins are formed in:

    42 / 51

    42. The type of synthetic Auxin used for weedicide (selective weed killers) is:

    43 / 51

    43. Genetically dwarf plant can be converted into a plant of normal height with the application of:

    44 / 51

    44. Xylem tissues can be formed when Auxin is equally concentrated with:

    45 / 51

    45. The set of Day neutral plants are:

    46 / 51

    46. The pineapple which under natural conditions is difficult to blossom has been made to produce fruits throughout the year by the application of:

    47 / 51

    47. Which plant hormone causes fruit ripening?

    48 / 51

    48. Most of the plants are seasonal due to:

    49 / 51

    49. Which one of the following is not a synthetic auxin?

    50 / 51

    50. Which of the following is the first principle discovered phytohormone?

    51 / 51

    51. Mimosa shows :

    Your score is


    Test Details:

      • Subject: Biology
      • Class: 1st year or 11
      • Chapter Name: Forms and Functions in Plants
      • Test: MDCAT 2024
      • Book: Sindh Textbook
      • Total No. Of MCQS:  50 MCQS 
      • Time Allowed: 50 Minutes
      • Price : Free

      Created on By medicoengineer.com

      XI Biology Forms and Functions in Plants Online Test Mdcat-2024

      Please Note: If You think the question is wrong or mistyped, the Question Key is wrong or out of syllabus, Feel free to comment or Contact with our team, our team will verify the question. For Contact details Please Visit the Contact Us page or email us at Contact@medicoengineer.com .

      If you have any suggestion about our free test series you are also welcome to contact with us , we will appreciate you.

      Best Of luck MDCAT Aspirants.

      1 / 51

      1. Plants which can trap water vapors from air are:

      2 / 51

      2. Carnivorous plants grow in:

      3 / 51

      3. First noticed in Gibberella fujikuroi fungus which infected rice seedlings and produced a disease called:

      4 / 51

      4. Meristems left by apical meristems were:

      5 / 51

      5. Phototropism curvature effect is due to light effect on:

      6 / 51

      6. Curvature movement of plant in response to touch stimulus is:

      7 / 51

      7. The best known plant hormones, Auxin, Cytokinin, Gibberellin, ABA and Ethylene all are effective at:

      8 / 51

      8. Which phytohormone causes delay in senescence?

      9 / 51

      9. Example of Auxin being in inhibitory effect is:

      10 / 51

      10. Which phytohormone helps in Parthenocarpy which is seedless fruit?

      11 / 51

      11. Essential inorganic elements are:

      12 / 51

      12. Each annual ring consists of outer zone___ and inner zone___ and inner zone having___ while outer zone having:

      13 / 51

      13. In the day time Pr is converted into___ because sunlight is predominantly___:

      14 / 51

      14. Forces like Cohesion, adhesion and___ are mainly responsible for upward movement of water:

      15 / 51

      15. Which of the following is not a macronutrient required by plants?

      16 / 51

      16. A plant cell placed in pure water will:

      17 / 51

      17. Pure water is assigned highest:

      18 / 51

      18. During translocation of sugars in plants from source to sink:

      19 / 51

      19. Which is the most accepted mechanism for the translocation of sugars from source to sink?

      20 / 51

      20. Upward movement of water against downward pull of gravity is known as:

      21 / 51

      21. The whole body of lower bryophytes contains, as their support and shape:

      22 / 51

      22. The pressure potential is always taken as:

      23 / 51

      23. Solution A has Ψs=-10bars and Ψp=3bars. Solution B has Ψs=−5bars and Ψp=0atm. The two are separated by semipermeable membrane. Flow of water will be:

      24 / 51

      24. Presence of macronutrient that help plants to withstand cold temperatures is:

      25 / 51

      25. In turgid cell the water potential is:

      26 / 51

      26. In beneficial leaves the upper region consists of upper epidermis which contains:

      27 / 51

      27. Leaves turn pale yellow due to loss of chlorophyll is a deficiency of:

      28 / 51

      28. Cytoplasmic connection through pores known as Plasmodesmata are found to be useful in:

      29 / 51

      29. The casparian strip, a waxy belt that extends through walls, is found in:

      30 / 51

      30. During Phloem loading the solute potential of the phloem______ and water from neighbouring xylem vessels_____:

      31 / 51

      31. The activity of lateral meristems cause _______ and it's called_____:

      32 / 51

      32. The function of companion cells is to control the activity of:

      33 / 51

      33. Scientific name of Water fly trap is:

      34 / 51

      34. Iron in cytochrome involved in ETC of respiration and Photosynthesis can exist in form of:

      35 / 51

      35. The rate of water flow in vessels to tracheids is:

      36 / 51

      36. Plants living in dry places such as deserts, steep and high altitudes having lack of water are:


      37 / 51

      37. Maintaining balance between water content and solute content is:

      38 / 51

      38. Leaf turn dull or bluish green is due to deficiency of:

      39 / 51

      39. When plant cell is put in solution which causes net output of water from cell to the solution causing plasmolysis, this solution is:

      40 / 51

      40. Promotion of flowering by a cold treatment given to seeds is known as:

      41 / 51

      41. Heat shock proteins are formed in:

      42 / 51

      42. The type of synthetic Auxin used for weedicide (selective weed killers) is:

      43 / 51

      43. Genetically dwarf plant can be converted into a plant of normal height with the application of:

      44 / 51

      44. Xylem tissues can be formed when Auxin is equally concentrated with:

      45 / 51

      45. The set of Day neutral plants are:

      46 / 51

      46. The pineapple which under natural conditions is difficult to blossom has been made to produce fruits throughout the year by the application of:

      47 / 51

      47. Which plant hormone causes fruit ripening?

      48 / 51

      48. Most of the plants are seasonal due to:

      49 / 51

      49. Which one of the following is not a synthetic auxin?

      50 / 51

      50. Which of the following is the first principle discovered phytohormone?

      51 / 51

      51. Mimosa shows :

      Your score is


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