Atomic Structure Mcqs Class 11 test 1

Mdcat Chemistry Atomic structure Online Test 1

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Test Details

  • Subject: Chemistry
  • Class: 1st year or 11
  • Chapter name: Atomic Structure
  • Test: MDCAT 2023
  • Book: Sindh Textbook
  • Total No. Of MCQS: 50
  • Time Allowed: 50 Minutes
  • Price : Free
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Mdcat Chemistry XI Atomic Structure Mcqs test 1

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1 / 49

1. half filled orbitals are  stable due to

2 / 49

2. Magnetic quantum number tells about the

3 / 49

3. The spectrum given by element  is

4 / 49

4. As we move to higher energy level thae difference of energy between the successive energy levels


5 / 49

5. with the increase of shielding effect ionization energy

6 / 49

6. The idea that radiation also have particle nature was given by

7 / 49

7. The idea of Wave nature of electrons was proposed by

8 / 49

8. which one of the following has the largest ionization energy

9 / 49

9. which of the following statement is not correct about the changes from left to right along the second period of the periodic table

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10. the rules violated  in the configuration  ⁷N= 1s²  2s²    2Px    2Py¹     is

11 / 49

11. an atom is said to be an excited state if anyone of its electron is in

12 / 49

12. Isotopes of an element have_______.

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13. The filling of electrons in the orbitals takes place according to

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14. for  an orbital that spin quantum number describe that

15 / 49

15. The notation used to indicate the number of electrons present in a given energy level is

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16. The electronic configuration of 24Cr is {Ar}............

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17. The maximum number of electrons which can be accommodated in a given subshell is

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18. For azimuthal quantum number 1, the total number of orbital ( value of m ) are

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19. The maximum number of electrons in d orbital are

20 / 49

20. The magnetic quantum number gives the

21 / 49

21. The azimuthal quantum number governs the

22 / 49

22. The principal quantum number governs the

23 / 49

23. Bohr's orbit is replaced by the region in which the probability of finding the electron is maximum. This is due to

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24. The Spectral line obtained when electron jumps from 5th orbit to the 3rd orbit is the

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25. The spectrum of hydrogen atom consists of five series. Name  the  series which lies in the visible range:

26 / 49

26. Atomic radius, r directly proportional to n2 . So energy E directly proportional to.

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27. In Bohr's atom model, a revolving electron does not radiate energy as it's angular momentum is

28 / 49

28. In 1912 , Rutherford discovered

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29. Mosely found that the wave length of X-rays emitted decrease regularly with increasing

30 / 49

30. X-rays were discovered in 1895 by

31 / 49

31. Atomic number or the nuclear charge is the one that distinguishes one element from the other. It was discovered by

32 / 49

32. X-rays were produced when the anode or a metal plate is bombarded by the fast moving

33 / 49

33. The deflection of few positively charged particles by a very thin Gold foil suggests the presences of positively charged

34 / 49

34. Samples of the same elements always emit the same characteristics spectrum comprising the same

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35. The dispersion of components of a particular radiation by prism containing a band of rays of different wave lengths is called .

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36. Neutron was discovered in a nuclear reaction of Be-9 by alpha particle 1932 by

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37. with the emission of beta particle, from a nuclei , the charge number

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38. With the emission of alpha particles from an nuclei , mass number decrease by

39 / 49

39. The radioactive radiations which are not reflected by electrical magnetic fields are

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40. The lighter elements can be made radioactive by irradiating them with the

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41. With the increase of neutrons in the stable nucleus of an element it becomes unstable and hence it emits

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42. Experiments with different electrodes and  residual gasses in discharge tube give the e/m value.

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43. The highest e/m value for positive ions is obtained if discharged tube contains

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44. Positive rays are not emitted by the anode . These rays are produced in a discharge tube by collision of cathode rays with

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45. Positive rays were produced in a discharge tube by making

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46. Rutherford's scattering experiment showed that an atom possesses

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47. Sunlight gives spectrum which is

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48. The charge to mass (e/m) ratio of cathode rays is

49 / 49

49. Streams of negativity charged particles in a discharge tube is known as

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