Mdcat Mega XI Mock Test Whole 1

MDCAT Whole XI Mega test


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MDCAT Whole XI Syllabus Mega Test


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1. Paragraph:

For the sake of world peace, for the sake of world civilization, Asia must be made stable ,but it cannot be made stable unless discontent is removed and the germs of disruption are killed by better and cleaner living, which means no more and no less than enabling the people of Asia to enjoy the fullest advantages of freedom and democracy. In this situation, we consider the role of Pakistan to be thay of a stabilizing factor in a backward and discontented part of the world


Qusetion :

Which factor does the passage emphasize as the source of discontent in Asia?


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2. The passage emphasizes that achieving stability in Asia requires: (to answer this question please read above paragraph )

3 / 200

3. Choose correct antonym of Stubborn:

4 / 200

4. choose correct spelling :

5 / 200

5. choose correct spelling:

6 / 200

6. Choose the correct sentences.

7 / 200

7. choose correct sentence:

8 / 200

8. The cat is jumping ________wall:

9 / 200

9. The book is _____ table.

10 / 200

10. The aero plane flew ______ the clouds.

11 / 200

11. The Concert will start_________7:00pm.

12 / 200

12. It_____again. It_____all the time here in the winter.

13 / 200

13. ______To complete my project on time.

14 / 200

14. Does She ____the pots?


15 / 200

15. synonym of flee:

16 / 200

16. I will be on vacations _____ two weeks.

17 / 200

17. she has been weeping _______morning.

18 / 200

18. The Pilot ______the aero plane.

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Sugar is stored in the liver as

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20. Which method of gaining immunity can be described as natural active immunity?

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21. The absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere into the blood takes place in the:

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22. In the process of inspiration _______ and _______ are involved.

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23. Which of the following endoparasites of humans replicates within human cells?

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24. Example of cnidarians includes all except:

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Characteristics features of Echinoderm is:

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26. Identify the phylum in which the larva is bilaterally symmetrical but the adult is radially symmetrical:

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27. Molluscus have an exoskeleton made up of:

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28. Body cavity in arthropods is called?

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29. A viral reproductive cycle that culminates in death of host cell is known as:

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chemical composition of blood consists of?

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31. Choose the statement which correctly describes properties of red blood cells?

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32. Which property does not describe white blood cells?

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33. Which among the following is not performed by cells of blood?

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34. Circulatory system of man is an example of?

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35. The blood content of arterial system is oxygenated blood with one exception which is?

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36. All among the following functions are performed by blood except?

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37. The process of glycolysis occurs in:

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38. during developmental phase, a particular cell is required to be disintegrated , a type of cell death is committed; Process of cell death is called ?

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39. which cellular component is found commonly between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

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40. In golgi complex cisternae break up into vesicles at inner end is known as:

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41. which of the following includes all others?

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42. The cell type that helps to study mitochondria is :

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43. A genetic recombination where genetic material transfer from a bacterium to another through a 3rd party is:

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44. In plasma membrane which type of molecule helps cell to cell recognition:

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45. During transformation genetic material transfer from:

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46. The bacteria feed on humus are the:

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47. Identify the appropriate terms for the given number in the figure.

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48. The role of NADPH in photosynthesis is:

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49. The production of O2 from water provides an:

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50. Select odd one :

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51. Which one of the following is correct about ATP ?

I. Adenine tri phosphate

II. Energy rich molecule

III. Found In free state

52 / 200

52. A tadpole’s tail is gradually broken down during metamorphosis into an adult frog. Which organelle increase in number in the cells of the tail at this time?

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53. There are basic types of nitrogenous bases:

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54. The word saccharides means :

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55. Nucleoside is made up of all of the following except :

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56. All are microscopic except :

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57. A phospholipid is almost similar to :

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58. Which of statement about enzyme is true ?

I.  They are macromolecules

II. Most of the enzymes are proteinaceous in nature

III. Enzymes are organic catalyst

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59. Secondary wall is formed by deposition of cellulose at the _____of primary wall?

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60. Living part of blood is:

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61. The average lung capacity of human is :

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62. Hemoglobin carries _____times more oxygen than plasma:

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63. The largest gland of the human  body is:

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64. In which of the organism , digestion is  intracellular:

65 / 200

65. Which of the following nutrients incorrectly paired with its function in a cell :

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66. Enzyme responsible for the carboxylation in the Banson cycle and Calvin cycle is :

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67. Flow of energy in an ecosystem is :

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68. Oxygen produced during photosynthesis comes from:

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69. Skin in amphibia is :

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70. Group deuterostomes includes phylum:

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71. Farming of honey bees is called :

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72. Spirochaeta is an example of :

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73. Extremely thin appendages helping during conjugation in bacteria:

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74. Bacteria having flagella all over the surface:

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75. Photosynthetic bacteria liberate :

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76. Thing not associated with aids :

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77. Which characteristics is not associated with lytic-cycle :

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78. Lysosomal storage disease resulting in blindness:

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79. The protein presents in the in the microtubules :

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80. Energy is required for :

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81. a phospholipid molecule has a head and 2 tails . the tails are found:

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82. which molecule binds to the active site of enzyme

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83. how does an enzyme increase the speed of a reaction?

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84. Type of polypeptide acting as messenger :

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85. Nucleic acid and proteins combine to form :

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86. Which of these terms includes all others in the list:

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87. Atomic number of Ca:

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88. Mass Of chlorine (Cl) is:

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89. The surface tension of chloroform in dyn/cm at 20°C is.

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90. Vapour pressure of which liquid from the following will be least:

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91. Which of the following series lies in the visible region?

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92. Proton was discovered by:

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93. Which of the following rays has longest wavelength?

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94. When cathode rays strike the surface of hard metals like tungsten, molybdenum ______are produced.

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95. An ideal gas will have maximum density:

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96. Any gas shows maximum deviation from ideal gas at:

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97. In two vessel, of 10L each at the same temperature 2g of H2 and 2g He are taken, for these:

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98. Which of the following exerts highest pressure?

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99. A gas deviates from ideal behavior at a high pressure because its molecules.

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100. At STP, 0.5 mole CH4 gas and 1 mole of ethane gas:

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101. Pressure remaining constant, at which temperature the volume of gas will becomes twice of  what it is at  200C?

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102. The rate of effusion of unknown A having molecule Mass four times more than He is 32 mL/sec. What will the rate of effusion of He gas?

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103. Equal volume of different gases under same condition of temperature and pressure contains the same number of particles. The above statement is of:

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104. According to the Ideal gas law what is the approximate volume that will be of occupied by 1mole of an ideal gas at 250C and 3atm pressure gas constant (𝑹 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖𝟐𝟏 liter atm/mole k)

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105. How many moles of aluminum can be extracted from 51g of Al2O3?

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106. 1 mole of NH3 contains:

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107. How many atoms of carbon are present in 18g of glucose, C6H12O6?

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108. Which of these samples of gas contains the same number of atoms as 2g of hydrogen (Mt: H2, 2)



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109. What is the volume (in litre) of oxygen required at STP to completely convert 1.5 moles of sulphur to  sulphur dioxide?

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110. Which has maximum number of molecules?

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111. From the complete decomposition of 20 g CaCO3 at STP the volume of CO2 obtained is:

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112. Which of the following solution contain more Ions?

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113. A one sided shared pair is seen in

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Which of the following is not a characteristic of crystalline solids?

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115. In which of the following orbital electron can only absorb but not emit energy

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An electron can spin in

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117. Radius of 3rd bohr orbit is:

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118. Radioactive decay follows ………. kinetics:

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119. For a chemical reaction :


The threshold energy of reaction is 50KJ/mole. The average internal energy of A is 25K.J/mole. The activation energy of A is:

120 / 200

120. Rate=K[N2O5] has ________ of reaction:

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121. First ionization energy is maximum for:

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122. In Alkane each carbon has hybridization:

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123. Excited state of carbon atom can be represented as :

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124. In exothermic reaction by decrease the temperature equilibrium constant :

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125. Purification of table salt (NaCl) by passing HCl gas through its saturation aqueous solution is an example of :

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126. Bond angle of linear trigonal in tetrahedral shape respectively:

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127. Consider the Following system :

PCL5=PCL3+Cl2. The unit for kc for this reaction is :

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128. AgCl ⇌  Ag+ +CL-     

The ksp for reaction will be :

A)  Ksp=[AgCl] / [Ag+][Cl-]

B)  Ksp= [Ag+]/[Cl-][AgCl]

C)   Ksp= [Ag+][Cl-]

D)   Ksp=[AgCl]

129 / 200

129. Geometry of BF3 molecule is:

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130. Theory of active mass indicates that rate of chemical reaction is directly proportional to the:


131 / 200

131. The synthesis of ammonia is catalyzed by iron , it:

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132. All following have covalent bonds except :

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133. Which gas is called laughing gas:

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134. Under which condition does the reaction takes place in close system occurs in forward direction:

135 / 200

135. Among the following equilibrium which is not effected by increase in pressure :

A) N2(g)+3H2 ⇌2NH3(g)

B) H2(g)+I2(s) ⇌ 2HI(g)

C)  C(s)+H20(g) ⇌ CO2(g)+H2

D) 3Fe(s) + 4H20 ⇌ Fe3O4(s)+4H2(g)

136 / 200

136. The rate at which substance react depend on their:

137 / 200

137. 1 cal is equal to

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138. Which of the following value of heat of formation indicates that the product is least stable:

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139. At what temperature standard enthalpy changes are measured:

140 / 200

140. A chemical reaction is at equilibrium when:

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141. A body of mass one kg moving with initial velocity of one meter/sec is acted upon by force for 1 sec, the increase in kinetic energy is:

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142. One can distinguish between sounds of same amplitude and frequency due to:

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143. Rain drops are spherical because of :

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144. Frequency of sound appears as :

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In stationary waves all particles between two nodes pass through the mean position:

146 / 200

146. At what angle of projection of projectile range becomes half of its maximum:

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147. One radian is equal to _____.

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148. Unit of amplitude is :

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149. The define velocity (angular) by linear velocity of object moving in circle is always :

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150. Frictional force of car taking turn on circular track is equal to :

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151. Time period of Second Pendulum is :

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152. In SHM the velocity is maximum :

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153. The unit of angular displacement is :

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154. A particle completes two oscillations in 4s then time period is :

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155. if angular velocity increases, both angular velocity and angular acceleration will be ____ to each other:

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156. The component of velocity remains same in projectile motion:

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157. Range is maximum at the angle of ____:

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158. Laws of motion are given by:

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159. Swimming becomes possible because of __________law of motion:

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160. Work is maximum at the angle of :

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161. Work done in closed path is :

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162. Slope of A-t graph shows :

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163. A ball is projected upward ,which quantity will remain constant:

164 / 200

164. The audible frequency ranges for normal human ear is :

165 / 200

165. Shock waves are produced when_______

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166. Speed of wave can be changed by:

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167. Frequency of wave can be changed by :

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168. Distance between two consecutive nodes:

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169. Wave transfers______

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170. Work done by centripetal force is :

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171. Rate of change of linear momentum of the body:

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172. If we drop  an object its initial velocity is zero. How far will it fall in time”t”?

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173. moment of Momentum:

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174. Area under a curve in velocity-time graph represent:

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175. How much time will be required 520 J of work at the rate of 20 W?

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176. When the mass and speed of a body are doubled , KE of body ?

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177. Work has the dimension as that same as of  :

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178. ½ hp  is equal to_________.

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179. one newton is equal to ______

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180. Four particles given have same momentum, which has maximum kinetic energy?

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181. if a force F is applied to a body and it moves with velocity v, the power will be :

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182. Which  one of the following Is form of energy :

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183. The momentum of an object is defined as:

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184. Work done is equal to:

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185. A bullet is shot from a rifle. As a result , the rifle recoils. The momentum of rifle as compared to that of the bullet is:

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186. Flight of a rocket in space is a example of :

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187. Unit of angular acceleration is :

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188. A body performing circular motion with a constant speed has a constant :

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189. which of these quantities impact centripetal force?

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190. a stone is tied with a string and is rotated in a circle horizontally. When the string suddenly breaks , the stone will move :

191 / 200

191. For particle performing a uniform circular motion the acceleration is :

192 / 200

192. In inelastic collision _______remains conserved but ________changed .

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193. The horizontal distance from x=0, y=0 to the point where x  = R, y=0 is called

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194. Torque is max At Angle :

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195. Yesterday I saw an ice cube which had already melted due to heat of a nearby furnace. Can it be true ?

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196. If A is the brother of B; B is the sister of C; and C is the father of D, how D is related to A?

197 / 200

197. Pointing to a photograph of a boy Suresh said, "He is the son of the only son of my mother." How is Suresh related to that boy?

198 / 200

198. Look at this series: F2, __, D8, C16, B32, ... What number should fill the blank?

199 / 200

199. Look at this series: 53, 53, 40, 40, 27, 27, ... What number should come next?

200 / 200

200. Look at this series: 2, 1, (1/2), (1/4), ... What number should come next?

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