Mdcat Biology XI Bioenergetics Mcqs test 1

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    Test Details:

    • Subject: Biology
    • Class: 1st year or 11
    • Chapter name: Bioenergetics
    • Test: MDCAT 2023
    • Book: Sindh Textbook
    • Total No. Of MCQS: 50
    • Time Allowed: 50 Minutes
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    MDCAT Bioenergetics MCQS Test No.1

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    Best Of luck MDCAT Aspirants.

    1 / 50

    1. Which of the following is not involved in cyclic photophosphorylation?

    2 / 50

    2. It has main role in the conversion of Light energy into chemical energy:

    3 / 50

    3. It is by product of photosynthesis:

    4 / 50

    4. Net equation of photosynthesis is exactly opposite to the equation of:

    5 / 50

    5. Which part of the cell does glycolysis occur in :

    6 / 50

    6. Pyruvic acid is acid of :

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    7. The enzyme which is used in Calvin cycle is:

    8 / 50

    8. Photophosphorylation takes place in the _______ of the choloroplasts:

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    9. Xanthophyll is a pigment having:

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    10. Product of anaerobic respiration in animals is ________.

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    11. Acetyl CoA loses CoA and combines with a 4-Carbon compound which is:

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    12. The photosynthetic pigments can be separated by a process called:

    13 / 50


    Wines and beers are formed due to ________ process.

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    14. Pyruvic acid is the end product of ________.

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    15. Where is oxygen produced in plants:

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    What happens during the light phase of photosynthesis?

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    17. Which compound captures light energy in plants?

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    18. It is the product of cyclic photophosphorylation

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    19. Actual source of oxygen during photosynthesis is:

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    20. A water molecule is released in glycolysis when:

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    21. Stage of cellular respiration that essentially occurs in cytoplasm:

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    22. End product of preparatory phase of glycolysis is:

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    23. Acetaldehyde is formed as an intermediate compound during:

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    24. It involves complete breakdown of glucose molecule:

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    25. Carbon dioxitle labeIed with 14C?has been used to identify the intermediate compounds in the Calvin cycle, the light-independent stage in photosynthesis. Which compound would be the first to contain the 14C?

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    26. . Carbohydrate that is produced directly from Calvin Cycle is:

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    27. During photosynthesis, light energy is captured  by:

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    28. Photoexcited electrons pass form PSII to PSI via :

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    29. Electron whole of chlorophyll in PS II is filled by electron that is extracted from:

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    30. Synthesis of  ATP  in the presence of oxygen is called :

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    31. Formation of ATP at respiratory chain is called:

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    32. In aerobic respiration, H2O as a final product is generated during:

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    33. During oxidative phosphorylation, H+ are pumped across:

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    34. In which step of Krebs cycle decarboxylation does occur?

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    35. Number of ATP generated by one Kreb’s cycle at substrate level is:

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    36. How many molecules of NADH are formed when one glucose molecules pass through  Krebs cycle?

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    37. During Krebs cycle, FADH2 is formed during conversion of:

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    38. Which of following directly enters in krebs cycle ?

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    39. Net production of ATP molecules in a prokaryotic cell when a glucose molecule is       completely oxidized is:

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    40. Which of these processes will not occur in the absence of O2?

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    41. Pyruvate produced during glycolysis proceeds further in presence of oxygen through:

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    42. Majority of the cells depend  ultimately for their supply of free energy on oxidation reactions such as:

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    43. It is the universal process by which organism’s breakdown complex compound containing carbon in a way that allows cells to harvest a maximum of usable energy:

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    44. It is the process by which energy is made available to cells in a step-by-step breakdown of C—chain molecules in the cells:

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    45. During aerobic respiration, glucose is utilized to:

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    46. In Which of the following , NADPH is Converted into NADP+,

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    47. Which is most closely associated with calvin cycle:

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    48. Phase of Calvin cycle that is dependent on rubisco:

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    49. The dark reactions of photosynthesis takes pIace in:

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    50. Mitochondria are involved in all of the following except:

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