Kingdom Animalia Mcqs Online Test 1

Mdcat Biology XI Kingdom Animalia Mcqs Test 1

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Test Details:

  • Subject: Biology
  • Class: 1st year or 11
  • Chapter name: Kingdom Animalia
  • Test: MDCAT 2023
  • Book: Sindh Textbook
  • Total No. Of MCQS: 50
  • Time Allowed: 50 Minutes
  • Price : Free
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Mdcat Biology XI Kingdom Animalia Mcqs test 1


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Best Of luck MDCAT Aspirants.

1 / 50

1. .  The fate of each blastomere is foretold. What will be the cleavage?

2 / 50

2. All of the following coelenterates show alternation of generation except:

3 / 50

3. Cephalothorax is characteristic of:

4 / 50

4. Which of the following pigment present in mollusca?

5 / 50

5. Which of them excretes in form of uric acid

6 / 50

6. In arthropods, body cavity is in the form of:

7 / 50

7. Which is not a mammal?

8 / 50

8. It is considered a missing link between reptiles and birds:

9 / 50

9. Proglottids are present in:

10 / 50

10. Which of the following use book lungs to breathe? (

11 / 50

11. Free living example of Platyhelminthes is?

12 / 50

12. Chitinous Setae are the locomotary organs of annelids which are present


13 / 50

13. Ascaris Lumbericoides is a:

14 / 50

14. Which is not the characteristic of triploblasts?

15 / 50

15. Phylum porifera is classified based on which of the following characteristic?

16 / 50

16. One of these animals is a prototherian:

17 / 50

17. Carpaee is present in which class of arthropoda?

18 / 50

18. Which of the following are modern day descends of theropoda dinosaurs

19 / 50

19. Radula is characteristic feature of:

20 / 50

20. Which one of the following is known as rasping organ

21 / 50

21. The mother feeds the young ones and carries them in the pouch till they are matured enough; such animals are:

22 / 50

22. Hag fish has:

23 / 50

23. The component of alimentary canal of birds that is used for crushing food is known as:

24 / 50

24. The sac-like internal cavity in coelenterates is also known as:

25 / 50

25. No paired appendages and no dorsal fin; such situation is observed in:

26 / 50

26. Digestion in sponges is _______ and occurs in ________.

27 / 50

27. Hemichordates are generally called as:

28 / 50

28. Evolutionary point of view, sponges have been evolved from:

29 / 50

29. The mesoderm is packed solidly between the ectoderm and endoderm; such condition is observed in:

30 / 50

30. In arthropods, the skeleton is ______ and formed chiefly of _____.

31 / 50

31. Chitinous Setae are the locomotary organs of annelids which are present


32 / 50

32. Which of the following is correct about insects?

33 / 50

33. Placoid scales are present in:

34 / 50

34. The excretory system of aschelminthes consists of:

35 / 50

35. What is true option about birds?

36 / 50

36. Hagfish is an example of:

37 / 50

37. Syrinx in birds lies at the junction of:

38 / 50

38. The name animalia is derived from Latin word 'anima' that means:

39 / 50

39. Terrestrial arthropods can respire through:

40 / 50

40. The sponges consist of outer dermal layer known as:

41 / 50

41. Coelomates can be divided into:

42 / 50

42. Which group of animals show characteristics of both echinoderms and chordates?

43 / 50

43. Which of the following has lungs

44 / 50

44. Polymorphism is a characteristic feature of which group of animals?

45 / 50

45. The only aquatic arthropods:

46 / 50

46. The animals in which coelom is formed due to splitting of mesoderm are known as which of the following?

47 / 50

47. Which group of animals is not a deuterostome

48 / 50

48. Both radial and bilateral symmetry is found in which of the following phylum?

49 / 50

49.  Radial symmetry is found in:

50 / 50

50. Which of the following characters is not typical to class Mammalia?

  1. Alveolar lungs
  2. Seven cervical vertebrae
  3. Thecodont dentition
  4. Ten pairs of cranial nerves

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